Hero photograph
Tuckshop - 2 minute noodles
Photo by KingsWay School

Senior Campus Tuckshop Notice

KingsWay School —

A new 'Service Charge' at the Tuckshop for the heating of food items brought from home.

Dear Parents

We are finding there is an increased amount of food items being brought from home, that require hot water or heating at the Tuckshop. We are happy to help make life easier for you and your child and cater for their individual needs, however, the volume has increased to a point that it is impacting on our paying customers negatively. As a result of this, we are introducing a 50c Service Charge for the hot water/microwave use that these items require.

This Service Charge will also enable your child to have access to the chopsticks/spork supply that traditionally cost 10c per item, but often wasn’t paid, as the child didn’t have the cash on them (and we felt bad about turning your child away with noodles and no way of eating them).  Unfortunately, due to the numbers of people needing the ‘free’ cutlery, we can no longer absorb the cost, as it does cost the Tuckshop to have these in stock – there is no profit made off the cutlery either.

If you wish to avoid the 50c Service Charge, there are other area’s in the school that have microwaves for re heating food – this needs to be discussed with the teacher responsible for the microwave, and for noodles, a thermos of hot water could be brought to school along with cutlery.

In times past, hot water/microwave access has been pulled when things became too much, we would like to avoid this as we prefer to work with you and your child with their dietary needs, so your support and understanding of this is greatly appreciated.

With love & thanks

KingsWay School Tuckshop