Junior Secondary Newsletter
KingsWay School - April 27, 2023
Full School Notices
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All Sport Notices
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Junior Secondary Notices
Message from Paul Miller - Head of Junior Secondary
Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whānau,
Welcome back to a new term! Our term theme is ‘Outward focus’. This term will present students with opportunities to serve and love those around them and in their community. We pray that in our classes and throughout the school, our students will experience the hope found in Jesus and this hope will motivate them to share the good news of Jesus with others.
We are creating leadership councils as an opportunity for students to serve others. Please encourage your sons and daughters to sign up for a council that they are interested in. These councils will be decided upon this week and our Flexi-time slots will be used for the students to plan and prepare ways they can serve Junior Secondary and the wider community.
Thank you for your prayers and support of Junior Secondary.
Maker Space
Unique within KingsWay School we have established a Maker Space. Maker Spaces are collaborative spaces where our Year 10s can create, tinker, invent and learn by making. They are characterized by hands-on learning opportunities where students can explore materials and resources to make projects. We have purchased a 3D Printer, Lazer cutter and a vinyl cutter for this space. To further complete this area we need beads, iceblock sticks, match sticks, felts, plaster of paris, wall paper glue, modelling clay, cardboard, vinyl, craft knvies etc. We also have sewing machines but need thread and fabric rolls/squares. If you have any unused craft items that you would like to donate to this space, it would be gratefully received. Please contact Sarah Lynne with any items you think may be of use.
Ngā mihi
Paul Miller
Head of Junior Secondary
Permission Forms
ACTION REQUIRED: Monday 15 May, we have our Year 10 Rainbows End Trip. Please fill in the Year 10 Rainbows End Trip Permission Form - URGENT OVERDUE
ACTION REQUIRED: Local Area Blanket Permission Form
Middle Years Wellbeing - Deans
The Sleep Foundation states that most teenagers need between 8 and 10 hours sleep every night. Sleep is essential for people of any age. But especially in teens, profound mental, physical, social, and emotional development requires quality sleep. Unfortunately, research indicates that many teens get far less sleep than they need. There are many challenges in the current climate to students getting consistent sleep and it is important that caregivers and teenagers make a plan to ensure that teens are getting the sleep they need to function well. Many students are coming to school tired and unable to focus on their learning. One tip is to ensure that teens do not have phones or devices in their rooms at night.
Upcoming Dates
- Monday 15 May: Rainbows End Trip
- Thursday 18 May: Yr 10 Mathex / Biblex
- Friday 19 May: International Mufti Day
Junior Secondary Contacts
- Head of Junior Secondary: Paul Miller
- Junior Secondary Administrator: Sarah Lynne
Junior Secondary Teachers
- 10BVL Mrs Bronte Vlaardingerbroek
- 10DWD Mr Daniel Ward
- 10NHA Ms Nicola Hansford
- 10BSB Mrs Bonnie Shotbolt
- 10MPA Miss Min Park
- 10HWO Mrs Hannah Woolley
- 10YZH Miss Yali Zhang
- 10LWD Mrs Liezl Wienand