KingsWay School — Apr 13, 2022

Health & Safety Procedures and Protocols

Please read our Omicron Health and Safety Procedures and Protocols below to ensure a safe and seamless return to the school site in Term 2 under the Orange Traffic Light setting. It is essential to discuss this information with your child and reinforce the importance of consistently adhering to all procedures and protocols before returning to the site. Omicron continues to spread in the community, so we need to remain vigilant.

The staff and leadership are committed to ensuring effective health and safety practices at school. We have recently updated our COVID-19 procedures to the Orange setting. We aim to regularly update our procedures and protocols in response to feedback and Ministry information. We will communicate these updates on the KingsWay School COVID-19 Live Noticeboard on our website. We will no longer update daily case numbers but please continue to notify the school as this information is forwarded to the Ministry of Education.

KingsWay School's Five Overarching Principles

  1. Maintain effective and safe hygiene practices.
  2. Ensure that people with COVID or COVID-19 symptoms stay away from school. Please notify the school if your child tests positive for COVID using the COVID Notification Form on our website.
  3. Caution without fear.
  4. A strong sense of personal and corporate responsibility.
  5. Common sense.

Procedures can only go so far in protecting the community. Staff and parents must engage in common-sense decision-making while attempting to maintain the integrity of the overarching principles.

There is an extensive range of health requirements and measures:

Additional Public Health Measures


Additional KingsWay Protocols

1. Maintain Effective and Safe Hygiene Procedures

2. Ensure People with COVID-19 Symptoms Stay Away from School

All students and staff should remain at home if they are sick and sent home immediately if they display any symptoms.

3. Maintain Physical Distancing

4. Lunch and Morning Tea Arrangements

Staff and students must practise physical distancing and good hygiene habits. They are encouraged to maintain social distancing when eating and drinking.

5. Minimising Contact with Adults Outside of the KingsWay Community.

The school will keep track of people who enter the school sites – through the attendance and visitor registers.

6. Health Centre

FIRST AND FOREMOST- to protect students and staff – NO unwell students should be at school. Nurses will be onsite and contact parents to collect their child if they present any COVID like symptoms.

7. Tuckshop

Students ordering or collecting food must maintain physical distancing.

8. Uniform Shop

The uniform shop is open for business and the hours are as advertised on the KingsWay website.

9. Sport and Sport Practices

Sport competition and sport practices resume in Term 2 and the afternoon programmes continue as per normal.

10. Afterschool Programmes

Skids morning programme resumes in Term 2, and the afternoon programme continues as per normal.

11. Itinerant Music Lessons

Itinerant music lessons continue under the Orange Traffic Light setting.

Helpful Tools and Links

Life at Orange — Image by: KingsWay School