Hero photograph
Year 7 Coat of Arms Social Studies Projects
Photo by Madison Cornwall

Year 7 Newsletter

Madison Cornwall —

Week 10, Term 1

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whānau,

What a term! It started off a bit rough for our new Middle Schoolers but they have shown resilience and strength as they pushed forward in their friendships and learning. We are  proud of the achievements they have accomplished so far and I hope you re too. I pray you all have a wonderful Easter break.

Upcoming Dates:

  • Friday, 7 April: Good Friday - Public Holiday

Term 2

  • Monday, 24 April: Staff Only Day
  • Tuesday, 25 April: Anzac Day - Public Holiday
  • Wednesday, 26 April: Term 2 classes begin
  • Monday, 8 May: Year 7 - 9 Cross Country
  • Friday, 12 May: Year 7 - 9 Cross Country Save Day

Year 7 Homework

  • Memory Verse - SOAP and recital
  • Reading - 30 minutes and summary
  • Social Studies written reflections
  • Maths worksheet
    * Reading and Social Studies is given through their Google Classroom on Google Slides.

Week 1 Term 2 Memory Verse:

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Ngā mihi

Year 7 Teachers