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by KingsWay School

Primary School News & Notices - Week 6, Term 1

KingsWay School - March 10, 2022

KingsWay School - 11 March, 2022

 Junior Campus Arts Rotation 

God is creative, He has made humanity creative and I am sure he gave a double dose to children.

The Primary Arts Rotation on a Tuesday (Yr1-2) and Thursday (Yr4-6) unleashes this creativity. Students get to walk out their faith in God through the performing arts.

Utilising KingsWay teaching staff and external providers, students have an opportunity to have high-quality teaching and learning experiences. In Years 1 and 2, students experience Music, Dance and Drama across the entire year. In Years 3-6, students spend longer on one subject area in order to gain a deeper learning and cover all three areas across the year.

Some of our amazing learning on offer has been…Hip-Hop, Ukulele, Drumming, Keyboard, Musical Theatre, Choir, movie making (Y3-6), short plays etc. Aimee Robinson our Co-curricular Arts Director has been key in getting this off the ground. If you have any questions or expertise to offer, then feel free to contact her

De Gibson

Assistant Head of Primary

Having fun during our Arts Rotation period — Image by: KingsWay School


Tena Koutou Katoa,

What a privilege it is for me to share the learning that has occurred across the Year 1 Owhanga in this newsletter.

Over the past few weeks, the Year 1 students have been learning about the Rocky Shores. The teachers have worked diligently to engage the students in rich discussions about our topic, so the students were well-prepared for our trip to Red Beach.

The trip was a memorable and valuable learning experience for our students, allowing them to gain a deeper understanding of the natural world. I am sure this experience will empower them to think about their responsibilities as stewards for God’s creations.

Furthermore, we are extremely proud of the ways that our KingsWay students had managed themselves around the rockpools: following instructions and listening to their adult helpers. It was also delightful to see their faces beaming with excitement when they were asked to share about their greatest find! 

Kei te tino poho kererū au kia koutou.

I am very proud of you all.

Nga mihi,

Lisa Lin

Year 1 HOLA

Red Beach Trip - Learning about Rocky shores — Image by: KingsWay School

Exploring our Natural World — Image by: KingsWay School
What will we find...? — Image by: KingsWay School
Rocky Shores - Red Beach Trip, 25 February 2022 — Image by: KingsWay School
Exploring and learning from others — Image by: KingsWay School


  • ! Please note that the Summer Sport Team photos that was scheduled to take place on Tuesday, 15 March is cancelled due to current restrictions in place.