The Otara Mission Trip
In the first weekend of June, 10 Senior School students, accompanied by Mrs Melanie Van Rooyen (Year 8 teacher) and Andrew Marriott from MotiVate, went on an overnight mission trip to serve at the Otara Samoan AOG Church.
The students were warmly welcomed by the Youth on Friday night. They spent time getting to know one another by playing ice-breakers and sharing a meal. They then filled food parcels, sorted the clothing that had been donated, and ended the evening with a time of worship and reflection.
Saturday was an early start with a 6am prayer meeting and worship service and the students helped prepare the venue for the Sunday service. Our KingsWay students served so graciously by washing windows, arranging furniture and cleaning bathrooms. After a hearty breakfast, everyone set up for the Community Day. The East Tamaki community were invited to a sausage sizzle, face painting and were able to take whatever they needed from the donated clothing items. As well as this, each family was blessed with a large food parcel to take home. The scarves that were knitted by some of the KingsWay staff and families were distributed too.
It was a wonderful time, and everyone left with such full hearts!
Melanie Van Rooyen
Year 8 Teacher