Hero photograph
Senior School Week 8 T2
Photo by KingsWay School

Senior School News and Notices

KingsWay School —

Thank you to parents who attended the Senior School Options Evening recently. It was good to connect with you as parents again after a long hiatus with COVID disruptions in 2020. It was a good opportunity for faculties to explain the ins and outs of their various courses. We will be praying that the subject selection process goes well. A reminder that these subject selections are due by Friday 13 August.

Also, we trust that the Parent-Teacher Conferences went well last night. If you have any concerns about students academically that pertain to more than one course, please contact the relevant Dean - CLICK HERE.

Aladdin Jr. — Image by: KingsWay School

A reminder that Aladdin tickets are still on sale. Don’t miss out on seeing what is sure to be a brilliant performance. The website link for purchasing tickets HERE.

Year 13 “Unleashed” Conference

On the last day of Term 2 our Year 13 students took part in a conference at KingsWay which was focussed on how to be an influencer as they move into their various fields of employment or future study. The day was filled with keynote speakers, workshops, and opportunities to worship together. It was an awesome day where students were challenged in areas of their faith and how to live as a man or woman of influence when they leave the KingsWay faith community. A special thanks to the Year 12 volunteers who helped so diligently behind the scenes on the day, as well as the many staff who invested in the day. It was a great way to finish the term and we look forward to seeing our Year 13s continue to be challenged over the coming month. Below are some photographs taken at the conference.