KingsWay School — Sep 13, 2021

A Note from Graeme Budler, Executive Principal

Dear KingsWay Community,

Nga mihi mahana kia kotou katoa.

Hopefully, you are not over receiving my emails yet, although I doubt you would be reading this if you were exasperated. I have spoken recently to several people who are getting to the end of themselves. I feel the same way, but I believe we need to show perseverance and maturity during these times. We are allowed to get angry, but scripture encourages us not to sin in our anger. Likewise, I believe we can show frustration but not to the point of sinning. In a sense, we are providing a blueprint for our children to deal with challenging situations.

I recently decided that whenever I find myself kicking into whinge mode, I would use this as a signal to pray a short prayer. I confess to doing a lot of praying recently, but I am also starting to experience victory over the negativity surrounding us at the moment.

I want to thank everyone for the support for KingsWay staff during this time. We will eventually get to teach your children, and we are missing them heaps.

God bless,

Graeme Budler
Executive Principal

Whole School Notices

Summer Sport Registrations

We have opened the registrations for Summer Football, Touch, Summer Hockey and Year 9 & Year 10 Volleyball on our website. Parents please register so we can make up teams and once we drop to the correct levels you will be asked to make payment at that point.


With the news that lockdown is extended it is important that we continue to follow habits that will build resilience in our wellbeing. Here are five quick tips to help you recharge your wellbeing and keep you ‘on-top’ as Level 4 continues:

  1. List 10 things your grateful for! Big or small, deliberately reflect and find things to be thankful for (even that cup of coffee on your desk!). Ask every family member to share three of these at the dinner table.
  2. Change it up! Consider having an upside-down day – dinner for breakfast and breakfast for dinner! Get up extra-early and watch the sunrise or walk a different route.
  3. Refresh your Playlist! Whether it be Praise/Worship or something else on Spotify – change it up, turn it up and sing along.
  4. Re-think expectations! Many of us were working towards moving to level 3. It is okay to feel frustrated but do not let it fester. Use today to reassess your expectations for the week ahead and remember to allow for adjustments to rhythms and routines.
  5. Feed the Positive! Keep media at bay for a while. Tune into your favourite podcast instead and take a bit of extra time in God’s Word.

We are still seeking ideas for future wellbeing broadcasts and would love your input. Please share your ideas with us HERE.

Primary School Notices

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Middle School Notices

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Senior School Notices

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