Hero photograph
Photo by KingsWay School

Students Sustainability Opportunity Programme for Years 9 to 13

KingsWay School —

Auckland Council would like to invite two students from our school to take part in the council’s 2020 Young Leaders Sustainability Programme.

Their vision is to empower youth to actively practice guardianship and champion action for the environment now and for future generations.

This is a three-year programme framed by the United Nations sustainable development goals which cover kaupapa such as climate change, environmental degradation, poverty, prosperity, inequality, peace, justice and career development.

This programme also provides a unique opportunity for youth, as citizens of Aotearoa, to exercise leadership with respect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

The programme begins on 15-17 April 2020 with a three day 'Life Below Water' SDG14 wānanga connecting with the Manukau Harbour. During the wānanga, you would engage in culture and leadership workshops. You will also have the opportunity to explore an understanding of Tangaroa (atua of the ocean, seas and fish) and our connections to the sea through engaging in a range of hands-on activities. These activities are designed to empower youth to create ideas and actions for their local harbours and coasts across Tāmaki Makaurau.

Students will continue to build whanaungatanga and grow their leadership during the year through a series of one day hui during the July, October and December holidays.

Rangatahi will also be exposed to a range of sustainability career pathways. Previous participants of our sustainability leadership programmes have been selected for many exciting opportunities including as environmental leaders in schools, Sustainable Coastline ambassadors, Sir Peter Blake Trust Blake Inspire delegates, NZ Youth members of Parliament, and as delegates for international sustainability conferences.

There will be a financial contribution required of $60 per student. Students wanting to apply or require additional information should email Nicole Gardner by Friday, 14 February 2020 (Nicole.gardner@kingsway.school.nz)