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Calling all KingsWay Community Business Owners

KingsWay School —

We are asking for parents with businesses across the KingsWay Community to consider hosting Year 10 students for work experience. Please read on...

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

I trust that this email finds you well.

The Year 10’s have a work experience day coming up in Term 4 on 4th December. They are asked to investigate a business they are interested in, approach the owners and work there for the day. However, in the past, many have struggled to make these arrangements.

Therefore, this year, we are asking that parents with businesses across the Kingsway Community consider hosting students to help them understand what it may be like to work in different industries.

If you are a business owner and think that this could work in your business, or believe that your workplace would be open to this initiative, can you please contact Rene Ames Rene.Ames@kingsway.school.nz?

Kind Regards

Daniel Bennett
Head of Senior School