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Friends of KWS Business Directory
Photo by KingsWay School

Friends of KingsWay - Business Directory Initiative

KingsWay School —

With the effects of COVID-19, and many businesses struggling to stay afloat, we wanted to find a way to help our families connect with each other through their business contacts.

Last year, after the first lockdown, we asked companies within our parent community to send us their details so that we could advertise their businesses within a group called 'Friends of KingsWay'. This public platform has been well received. Our aim is to spread the word for others to discover what companies are represented within our KingsWay community, and to help each other grow and prosper in this uncertain business climate.

Please support these companies wherever possible.

Sign Up

If you would like to use this opportunity to advertise your company for free, we invite you to send us a brief outline of what your business does (no more than 30 words), your logo, and your contact links to your website and email. We will do our best to group the various companies into similar categories such as plumbing, or building etc.
Please email these details to louise.gray@kingsway.school.nz.

We pray this initiative will bless our community, helping these businesses to grow and prosper.