Hero photograph
Year 8 Sport started on Thursday
Photo by Angela Hunt

Year 8 Newsletter

Angela Hunt —

Week 2, Term 1

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whānau,

It has been wonderful to start our full programme. Specialist classes are now in full swing and it is exciting to hear the learning taking place already. Year 8 Sport started on Thursday. It was lovely to see the students out on the field. A reminder that PE uniform, a hat, sunscreen and a water bottle are compulsory. Also every student should have a NIV Bible at school. This is a requirement and it would be wonderful if we could ensure these are at school next week please. Our theme this term is 'The Wonders of Nature and Sustainability', and our memory verses will be connected to this.

On Purpose Day Postponed
Important: Unfortunately the weather forecast for this coming Monday means that our Year 8 On Purpose Day has been postponed. We have now rescheduled this to Monday, 27 February. Parent helpers if you are no longer able to come on this day could you please email Mahaylia Stevenson.

Upcoming Dates:

  • Monday, 13 February: Postponed - Year 8 On Purpose Day - Pt Erin Pools
  • Tuesday, 14 February: ID/Portrait Photos & Class Photos
  • Monday, 27 February: Year 8 On Purpose Day - Pt Erin Pools (New Date)
  • Wednesday, 1 March:
    Year 7-9 GRIP Leadership Conference (invited students)
    Whole School Parent Meeting (online) at 7:00 pm


Local Areas Blanket Permission Form
If you have not done so already, please complete the permission form that is in the main Middle School page of the newsletter.

Year 8 Homework

  • We will start Homework in Week 4.

Ngā mihi


Year 8 Teachers