Hero photograph
Photo by Katherine Kruger

Year 6 Newsletter

Katherine Kruger —

Week 2, Term 1

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whānau

It has been a great start to our first week at school! We are so impressed with the way the year 6 students have settled into their new class routines. 

Although going to MERC was an unusual way to start our school year, it was a huge success and set a culture of team spirit. Thank you to all the parents who took the time to help us on the day, it would not have been possible without your assistance. Please click on the link below to access the photos from MERC.


Information about your child

In order for us to better support your child this year please can you complete the below online survey.

Information about your child

Year 6 Student Councils

The year 6 students will have the opportunity to be school leaders throughout their final year of primary to prepare them for middle school. Please click on the link below to read more about the leadership structure for 2023.

Year 6 Councils Structure Information


1. Studios are only open for students from 8:30am in the mornings. SKIDS is a before school program that you can sign your child up for, if you need to drop your child earlier in the mornings.

2. When students arrive to class they need to place their bag, hat and lunchbox in their locker, water bottle in the water bucket and brain food on their table. Please ensure brain food is in a small container and is a healthy, quick, mess-free snack (eg crackers, carrot sticks, grapes etc). Also a reminder that we have students with nut allergies and therefore ask for no nuts or nut products in lunchboxes.

3. Uniform - In Term 1 students are required to wear a sunhat and sandals. Please ensure your child has a hat to wear when outside. Students without a hat will be required to remain in the shade during break times or outdoor activities.

4. Home learning – Each child will receive a home learning sheet each week. They will be required to learn a memory verse, practise their spelling and complete a maths task. They are required to record the books they read and unpack the word of the week. The children will be tested on Friday (Memory Verse and Spelling) and will get their homework book back to take home on a Monday. ( Please note homework will start in week 3)

5. Please let your teacher know if you would be willing to be a Parent Representative this year for your class. This offers a great opportunity to get to know the class community, organising opportunities for them to meet socially out of school. There is the option to share the role with another parent. We would appreciate your support in this!

6. It is important for us all to remain healthy as we learn in our classroom. It would be fantastic if the boys in the class could contribute a pack of wet wipes and the girls a box of tissues to support this. Thank you in advance!

7. Physical Education/Library and Spanish will be held on Tuesdays for Mrs Kruger's Class and Fridays for Ms Tsui, Mrs Dinnen and Mr Rush's classes. A reminder that students need to wear their PE gear and library books to return or reissue on this day.

Teacher Welcome Letters

Please click on the below links to read your class teacher's welcome letter.

Katherine Kruger

Ms Tina Tsui

Mrs Jemma Dinnen

Mr Andrew Rush

Memory Verses

Memory Verse link Weeks 1 - 9

Thank you for taking the time to read through this information. We pray that next week will be a wonderful start for your children as they embark on their last year at Primary.


Year 6 Teachers