KingsWay School — Sep 11, 2019

Senior School parents please read the following newsletter from Daniel Bennett (Head of Senior School).

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori

Naku te rourou
nau te rourou
ka ora ai te iwi
Tihei wā Mauri Ora!

me hakakorōria tōna ingoa
i ngā wā katoa
E nga mate o tatou

Haere ki te matuanui i te rangi
Haere, haere, haere
Tatou te kanohi ora,
kia ora tatou kato.


With your basket
And my basket
The people will live!
I breathe the breath of life!

Fear God
And glorify his name
At all times

We remember our loved ones
Who are with God in heaven
Farewell, farewell, farewell.
To all who are here with healthy faces
Greetings and life to you all!

This is an excerpt from the Mihi from our Senior School assembly this week. It is Te Wiki o te Reo Māori (Māori Language Week) and we acknowledged this during assembly. At this time, the Level 2 Dance students stepped up and performed a Waiata/ Maori song with actions. They performed brilliantly and will be performing this again tomorrow at the Junior Campus assembly at 2pm (parents are invited to attend) and at the Dance Festival.

Senior Dance students performed a Waiata — Image by: KingsWay School

Dance Festival

Dance Festival - Senior School — Image by: KingsWay School

Please CLICK HERE for further details about the Dance Festival next Saturday at 2pm and 7pm.
CLICK HERE to book your tickets!

Business Studies Students in the Community

Several business studies students headed by Mi Rae Han, addressed the Inner Wheel club meeting last Thursday and presented their Business Studies product, ‘Refine’:

The feedback from the club was excellent, both in terms of the quality of their presentation and the character they showed by communicating the charitable nature of their project. Club members were challenged by the depth of the girls’ commitment and how it was counter to the stereotypical ideas around Generation Z. People were saying things like: “this is supposed to be the MeE generation, isn't it? These girls have such a sensible and unselfish approach to the problems of this generation!”

Well done girls for being such amazing ambassadors for KingsWay School!

Mi Rae Han
Hellenna Messer
Saskia Connor
Courtney Jansen
Shannon Ivy Liddell
  - is also a part of this group, but was not able to be there on the day

Option Selection for 2020

Many of you have already selected options for next year via the Kamar portal. Thank you for putting these through. A reminder that even though students have opted for these subjects, there could be clashes once the timetable is finalized. This means that some students will have to select slightly different options for 2020.

If you have not yet selected options for next year, please do so as soon as possible, as we will close the system off shortly to finalise the timetable.

Please CLICK HERE for the Kamar portal.

Year 10 Curriculum

Over the past few weeks, we have had several guest speakers come in to KingsWay to present to our Year 10 students:.

Speakers from Juno discussed Kiwisaver and the need to begin stewarding our resources for future planning and retirement.

Mark Powell presented about effective money management. Mark has a strong background in business finance, having been CEO of groups such as The Warehouse Group and he sits on several international business boards. He also has broad experience in church leadership and apologetics and so provided insight into biblical principles behind effective money management.

Nick Stevens from 316 Ministries communicated a heart-felt testimony of a life previously addicted to drugs and crime but radically transformed from an encounter with the Holy Spirit. He shared how God's miraculous love and forgiveness now enables him to minister to others including the homeless and drug addicted on the North Shore.

It is our prayer that what these speakers imparted will positively influence our Year 10 students.

Practice Examinations

The first week of Term 4 is practice examination week for senior students. From Monday 14th until Friday 18th October, ALL students in Years 11- 13 will be on study leave and are only required at school for their examinations.

A planned timetable is attached. It is crucial that you email if there is an issue or problem with this schedule, such as a clash where your student would be required to be sitting different exams concurrently.

There will be additional digital examinations this year, but students will be advised of specific requirements in each of their curriculum subjects. It is important students use their time wisely in studying for these examinations. Every year, for various reasons, we have some students who need to refer back to the results from these practice exams to finalise NCEA grades.

Furthermore, please note that most of the afternoon sessions finish at 4pm, so students will need to make their own arrangements home at this time.