Hero photograph
Senior Athletics Day
Photo by KingsWay School

Senior School News and Notices

KingsWay School —

Term 1 Parent-Teacher Conferences

All conferences will be online video conferences. Information about the conferences and login details for the online booking system (PTO) will be emailed home on Thursday, 1 April.

The PTO website will open for bookings at 3:30pm on Thursday, 1 April - bookings will close at 9.00am on the day of conferences.

Please CLICK HERE for the full article with more details.

Mufti Day

Thursday 1 April is Mufti-Day. CLICK HERE for further information.

Security on the School Campus

We are blessed to have an amazing community here at KingsWay where items are seldom stolen. However, we are adjacent to a public walkway and on occasion, people may enter the school premises. If they do, they are escorted off if they do not have official business. However, there is still a risk that items could be stolen. Therefore, if your child is bringing a bike, scooter or any other valuable equipment to school, please remind them it needs to either be locked or stored in a secure area. There are bike racks that bikes can be locked to and students should be using locks on their lockers if they are storing their laptops in there.

Social Media

While this does not apply to all students, some are not always as circumspect as they could be when it comes to social media. Whether it be taking photos of people and posting them without their acknowledgment, or making unkind comments about others, there are significant consequences. Many students seem to assume that their online behaviour is detached from real life. However, their actions online do matter, both in terms of effects on others and in the long-term. Increasingly employers enlist the help of experts that can track everyone’s digital footprint and even find posts that have been ‘deleted’. We encourage you, therefore, to have conversations with students about the gravity of online behavior as it may affect their future more than they realise.

Athletics Day

Senior Athletics Day — Image by: KingsWay School

Our 2021 KingsWay Senior School Athletics Day was a fantastic opportunity for us as a community to celebrate the athletic skills and talents of our students. The conditions were perfect with the sun shining and light wind all day. We are proud of student’s involvement whether they competed or contributed to the positive culture of the day. This year saw a return of a few fun events, such as the staff vs student 100m relay race and the house chant competition. Congratulations to all the students who won events and pushed themselves outside their comfort zone to attempt something new. Thank you to all the staff for their efforts in helping as marshals, the Sports Council and House Council for their service to the school in setting up equipment and running activities.

Rise Girls

On Tuesday lunchtime, March 23, the 2021 Rise Girls Ministry hosted the annual Rise Girl’s picnic on the school field. Lucy Bull and her team of Gabriela Navia, Hannah McCabe, Sabrina Tan and Mackenzie Walsh put out picnic rugs and hosted games including volley-ball, giant jenga and connect four. They set out food on tables under two small marquess for the younger girls to snack on sweet treats while they danced, laughed and connected between year levels.

Rise Girls — Image by: KingsWay School

The aim of Rise is to encourage and include our younger girls to feel part of a bigger school family and to rise into their potential. I am so proud of the way the Rise team created an atmosphere of fun, love, laughter and inclusivity. I am proud of the way they hosted such a record number of girls who came for the food but chose to stay, play connect, dance and hang out together. The school and parent community can be very proud of the way that these girls represented school values and fostered community.

Level 2 Marine Science

Image by: pixabay.com

Level 2 Marine Science students started their practical Scuba Dive Training recently. 16 students enjoyed a challenging day at submerged Stanmore Bay Leisure Centre pool, and all successfully passed the tasks. The key focus was to pass a swim and float test, practice assembling and checking gear, safety and buddy checks, breathing underwater, and how to cope with out of air situations. Training involves 2 days in the pool, and then 4 dives to be completed in the ocean at Leigh, where they will repeat all the skills they have learnt to become independent divers.

Media Studies Workshops - Level 2 and Level 3 MST

On 11 & 12 March 2021, 24 Media Studies students attended two workshops at YOOBEE Colleges’ City Road Campus in Auckland. We were there to be introduced and trained in using two amazing Adobe Suite programmes: Premiere Pro editing software and After Effects. Experienced YOOBEE lecturers demonstrated and instructed the students, sharing their valuable life experience in the industry also.

Media Studies — Image by: KingsWay School

Feedback from the students was that they appreciated the expertise of the instructors on the day, were grateful to learn how to edit short films (especially documentaries at Level 3) and that, with most of the students having never used either of the software programmes before, it was good to understand how they work and get to use them. There was something to be learnt by everyone; even by those who use some of the tools already, with one student commenting how wonderful it was to learn about a pen tool - that makes their lines straight!

A couple of past KingsWay students popped over to say hello, after recognising the school uniforms. They were in their second year of an animation degree and absolutely LOVING it! This campus focuses specifically on design, animation and 3D graphics and features 11 computer labs.