Hero photograph
Photo by KingsWay School

Senior School News and Notices

KingsWay School —

We are entering the busy time of the term for students as we head into the final stretch. Students have been enjoying a wide range of learning opportunities both inside and outside the classroom. 

With a number of assessments taking place in the coming weeks we encourage all students to stay on top of their workload and plan and prioritise their time effectively. This coming week we are excited for our students to be leading their peers in year level worship assemblies and pray that God will move in these times together in the hearts and minds of our young people.

Axis 3

We hope you are finding value in using some of the AXIS resources to initiate conversation with your teens. An hour each week is recommended to unpack some of the issues that are being raised.

This week we focus specifically on some of the more practical distractions for our ‘screenagers’. Click on any of the links for information and parental guides around Tik Tok, Snapchat, YouTube, and Instagram.

“Attention is main prize of the internet and the phone is the prime battleground.”

We feel this sums up some of the pressures facing young people today and pray these resources foster positive conversations around how to steward their time and energy.

Worship Evening

The Arts Council are excited to be hosting the Coast Community Worship Night next Tuesday 15th June. Everyone is welcome to come along from 6.30pm in the Event Centre as we gather together for an evening of worship, prayer, and testimony of God’s goodness. There will be snacks and drinks as we partner with some local churches to thank the Lord for all that He is doing in our lives

Aladdin Jnr Production

Tickets are on sale now for the KingsWay Production of Aladdin Jnr. Come along and support our hard-working students and grab your tickets now, they are selling fast! We would love to see you all there. Click HERE for tickets.

Year 10 Semester Option Subjects

Reminder that in Week 9, on Monday 28th June, Year 10 Option subjects will be changing.

World Vision

We hope your teen has been sharing with you around World Vision and the need to serve and bless others. We have a lofty goal as a school to raise $20,000 for those in need in sub-Saharan Africa, and have encouraged all KingsWay students to sign up and contribute to this. It would be incredible to be able to reach our goal, so please work with your child to be a part of this great initiative.