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Photo by KingsWay School

Kāhui Ako (Community of Learning)

KingsWay School —

The main purpose of our Kāhui Ako (Community of Learning) is to equip teachers to meet the needs of students and improve student outcomes. Consequently, it has been very important that we provide teachers with sufficient professional development to engage with the challenges of 21st Century teaching and learning.

This term, we dedicated two after-school sessions and a Teacher Only Day to investigate how to help our English Language Learners by looking at several practical strategies we could adapt and use in the classroom. This has been our main foci since 2019. This year, we have sought not just to learn about these issues but to implement what we have learned. Early indications of instigating these changes are looking positive as student outcomes overall appear to be increasing.

This year, we are also investigating some of the reasons Student wellbeing has become such a concern worldwide. To help begin our journey, we had the privilege of hosting two speakers from ImpACT Mental Health. Sue Callaghan and Joanne Webb held a session with all teachers across the Kahui Ako on the hot topic of resilience. Giving examples from their own experience, they were able to address some of the concerns teachers and parents are encountering as the young people in their care navigate the obstacles of 21st Century living.

We look forward to hearing from them again on our next Teacher Only Day in August.

Ann Bailey and Vanessa Gatman