Hero photograph
Photo by KingsWay school

Year 3 Newsletter

KingsWay School —

Week 5, Term 4

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whānau,

The Year 8 children came across to the Primary Campus this past Monday to hold an assembly in the hall for the Year 3s. The big children planned and presented an excellent assembly around a topic titled B.R.A.V.E. They did skits which highlighted each of the following aspects; Bold, Resilience, Achieving, Valued and Exemplary. They then did a Bible teaching on David and Goliath which emphasized David’s bravery and how his trust in God enabled him to face his fears. They then encouraged the children to put their faith and trust in God.

Image by: Marion Santos

The Year 3s were left inspired by the Year 8s leadership and shining example of bravery. The Year 8s deserve to be very proud of the level excellence displayed in their presentation. The assembly was a definite highlight to our week!

Home Learning Week 6:

  • Reading - Please ensure that your child reads daily out loud and that you sign to indicate they have completed the allocated pages.
  • Mathletics - Please complete the assigned tasks (a minimum of 500 points)
  • Spelling: Short Vowel Spelling Patterns - wonderful, pumpkin, dollars, heavy, leather, multiply, tough, chocolate, breakfast, weather 

  • WOW Word: Stewardship - taking care of God's creation

Term 3 Memory Verses:

Week 6: Luke 2:10

10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news. It will bring great joy for all the people.


  • Year 3 MSA: PE, Library and Spanish are on Wednesdays. Please come to school dressed in PE kit.
  • Year 3 MSD, DVA and ANG: PE, Library and Spanish are on Fridays. Please come to school dressed in PE kit.

  • Trip to Shakespear Park, 7 December 

  • Prize Giving 14 December 

Lots of love and blessings to you,

Ngā Mihi Nui,

Year 3 Kaiako