Hero photograph
Students are already preparing for Mathex which takes place in Term 2
Photo by Vanessa Gatman

Middle School Newsletter

KingsWay School —

Week 10, Term 1

Full School Notices

All parents/caregivers please read the link above.

All Sport Notices - no notices this week

Middle School Notices

Message from Vanessa Gatman - Deputy Principal Middle Years

Kia Ora Parents, Caregivers and Whānau,

It has been a full term and I am very proud of our staff and students. At this week's staff meeting, we reflected on some of the ‘wins’ we have experienced with our students this term. Teachers reflected on teaching and learning, culture, our special character and biculturalism and here are a few of the wins staff shared:

-Students seeing their learning progress and being able to express it
-Hesitant students fully engaging in their learning
-Students praying for each other
-Collaborative learning
-Leadership opportunities are helping students to develop in confidence
-Hearing students celebrate learning with comments such as “I have never been so motivated to learn.”
-Te Reo used and understood by teachers and students
-Worship culture is positive
-Students being able to take on responsibility quickly and “step up”
-Strong family dynamic in classrooms

This week we celebrated Easter with a special assembly. Our Arts Coordinator, Aimee Robinson, put together the story of Easter with our school choir, dancers, the school band and invited speakers to remind us of the hope we have in Jesus. Next term, we have our Middle School Cross Country, Mathex and Biblex, Science and Technology showcase and year-level trips. Our rehearsals continue for Lion King Jr. Miss Dunning and our production team of teachers are working very hard with the cast. I have watched some rehearsals and the standard of excellence is high.

I pray that you have a restful time over the Easter break. 

Middle School Cross Country

  • Date: Monday, 8 May
  • Venue: Shakespear Regional Park

We are joining with the Primary for our combined Year 4-9 School Cross Country event. Students will travel from school by bus and meet at Shakespear Park at 9:45 am for a race briefing.

✍ ACTION REQUIRED: Please complete this permission form by Monday, 1 May - Middle School Cross Country Permission Form

Parent Helpers: We require parent helpers to make this event a success. Please indicate on the permission form above if you can help on the day. We are also after parent helpers who are qualified in First Aid.

The race start times are shown below - please note these times are approximate times only. The races will not start earlier than shown.

Race Times (approximate):
10:00am Day/Race briefing for all
10:30am Year 4 Boys and Girls (approx. 1.5km)
11:00am Year 5&6 Boys and Girls (approx. 2.6km)
11:30am Year 7 Boys and Girls (approx. 3.0km)
12:00pm Whanau Activities
12:30pm Year 8 Boys and Girls (approx. 3.5km)
12:50pm Year 9 Boys and Girls (approx. 3.5km)
1:30pm Clean up
2:00pm Buses depart for KingsWay
Students will need to bring:
Wear house colours or PE gear
A warm jacket
Drink bottle, packed lunch
Optional: Towel and plastic bag (it will be muddy) – please make sure it is named
Wearing shoes is optional as most of the course is on grass/sand

If Cross Country is postponed due to poor weather, the save day is Friday, 12 May.

We appreciate your support in this event.

Message for the Cast of The Lion King Jr.

The t-shirts for cast members can now be ordered.

ACTION REQUIRED: Parents and caregivers of cast members - please complete the t-shirt order form and make payment by Friday, 21 April: Cast T-Shirt Order Form

Cost: $25.00
Payment to be made into the Middle Years Account: 12-3084-0192348-54
Reference: Student’s name (SURNAME Firstname), Student’s ID Number, LKTSHIRT

Middle Years Wellbeing - Deans

We are made in the image of God. Within each one of our students, we see immense potential. Potential for them to be shaped into the likeness of Christ, who served others and poured out his life for the honour of His Father. We love your sons and daughters. Our prayer is that we can, in partnership with whānau, support these wonderful students to allow their hearts to draw close to God and be like him. Thank you for your support this term. May you have a blessed Easter.

Middle School Contacts

Year Level Newsletters

Please click on the year-level link for your child to read this week's year group newsletter:

Click here for other EXTERNAL ACTIVITIES