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Community Update, 27 August 2021

KingsWay School —

A Note from Graeme Budler, Executive Principal

Dear KingsWay Community,

I want to thank the counselling team for hosting an insightful wellbeing community course last night. The feedback was so positive that we may host another live stream if we stay longer in lockdown. I was particularly challenged by the need to validate the experience of a person who is struggling. In the past, I have been accused of gaslighting. This expression is used when someone tries to dismiss a person's feelings with a phrase such as: " You think you are doing it tough but consider all the starving children in Africa". While this may be factually correct, it does little to resolve the issue or show compassion to the hearer.

During a lockdown, when all our emotions are a little heightened, the words from the books of James are particularly relevant. He exhorts us as follows:

19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20 because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.

I want to wish you a relaxing and peace-filled weekend.

God bless,

Graeme Budler
Executive Principal

Message from KingsWay Board of Trustees

Dear Kingsway Community, this latest lockdown has been a busy time for our school and families. Our Board has been receiving large amounts of correspondence from the Ministry of Education and other sources as work is being done to ensure schools can continue to operate as best as we can and manage the numerous additional issues presented by lockdowns, distance learning and virus control measures.

Our board has purposely chosen not to unnecessarily add to the volume of communications being sent to you and have left the daily operations of the school in the very capable hands of our Executive Principal and his management team.

We do acknowledge and thank all our staff who have continued to faithfully operate from their homes delivering online lessons, providing administration support, monitoring security camera footage of our vacated premises and the many other tasks necessary to keep our school running as smoothly as possible. Your efforts and commitment to your duties are deeply appreciated by our Board and school community.

Finally, as we face a plethora of restrictions, masked communities, queues and grocery challenges, limited private space and a bombardment of virus fuelled media reports, Paul reminds us that God has given us a spirit of power, love and sound mind (a spirit of peace that results in a calm, well balanced mind and self-control) 2 Tim 1:7. Fear and anxiety doesn't come from Him so when it rises up in our consciousness we can pause, breathe deeply and remember we have something much better to draw on.

While some families may experience little impact from lockdown, we appreciate there may be families who encounter a high degree of stress and possibly significant financial burden. Our Board and our Proprietor don't wish to lose any families from our school community as a result of financial pressures. Please note the linked correspondence from our Proprietor in this regard. 

May you each encounter God's peace in every day ahead.

Peter Wilding


KingsWay School Board of Trustees


Thank you to everyone who attended the Wellbeing Special last night. We are interested in feedback, so please take a moment to complete THIS short survey. If you missed the broadcast, you could access a recording of it HERE.

We are also considering the viability of future broadcasts. If you have suggestions for wellbeing topics that you would like addressed, please complete the survey above.

Whole School Notice

If you intend to withdraw your child/children from KingsWay School for next year, you are requested to give a term's notice in writing to the Principal. In lieu of a term's notice, the proprietors have the right to charge a full term's attendance dues.

There is no need to inform of the intention of withdrawal for students in Year 13. If you have a child in Year 12 who may be leaving at the end of the year to pursue a tertiary course or work placement, please signal this in writing to the Principal by the end of Term 3 if you haven't already done so.

Would you please send all withdrawal emails to: enrolments@kingsway.school.nz

Primary School:

All primary students in Y1-5 should have at least one more full week of learning available in their current Home Learning packs, which will take them through to the end of next week.

Information regarding the new Home Learning Packs being prepared for the students will be communicated to you next week.

Having come to the end of the first full week of home learning for your children, it is time to put the learning packs, devices, and routines aside and enjoy the next two days of just being with each other.

Middle School:

It has been a smooth and positive week of Distance Learning this week. Thank you for your communication and the support you give both your children and teachers alike. Enjoy a weekend with no school routines or schoolwork.

Senior School:

We trust and hope that the juggling act of maintaining a balance between work, school and family is going as well as possible. While this is undoubtedly already happening, we encourage you to regularly connect with students to see how they are tracking academically and in terms of wellbeing. Any concerns academically, please get in touch with the classroom/ form teacher initially and/or a dean if it relates to more than one class. 

NCEA Exams

Please refer to yesterday's correspondence in case you missed details about changing dates for NCEA Exams. Be assured that NZQA is constantly looking at ways for teaching and assessment to be as flexible as possible. We are continually looking to refine and adjust to the changing times as the information comes to light.