Hero photograph
Photo by Donne van den Berg

Year 3 Newsletter

Donne van den Berg —

Week 6, Term 2

We are all well into Term 2 now and the children are hard at work learning about various ‘Ingenious Inventors.’ So far, we have had a look at the inventor of bubblegum; Walter Diemer, as well as other more well-known inventors such as Walt Disney, Alexander Graham Bell and the Wright Brothers.

A highlight was blowing bubblegum bubbles in class and then recording the data to show who blew the biggest bubble. The children also thoroughly enjoyed being able to be an animator like Walt Disney and follow instructions to draw Disney characters.

This Topic has given us such rich conversation with the children into how God has created us with talents to serve others.

Image by: Donne van den Berg

Home Learning Week 7

Memory verse

For in Him all things were created; things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him and for Him.
Colossians 1:16

Spelling: “oo” sound words


 good   cool   school   foot   outlook   stood   book   took   shook


Please listen to your child read daily and sign their reading card


Complete at your own pace to earn your blue and red gems. Try to get into the ‘Hall of Fame’ for the week


Continue working on your persuasive speech about an invention of your choice. Remember to include cue cards and visual aids to make your speech more exciting.


  • No school on Monday due to the King’s Birthday Weekend

  • PE, library and Spanish take place on Thursday

  • The Year 3 children will be presenting their learning in assembly on Friday 9 June at 09:00 in the hall if you would like to join us.

Blessings to you all,

Year 3 Teachers


