KingsWay School — Feb 8, 2019

Please read the following parent notices for the Junior Campus.

Future Talk, Future Focus

A question posed by a Lecturer during my teacher training, “will this look cute when they are 15?”. While this was helpful as a young teacher, helping to guide my approach to developing a child’s character, I have since added, “what will they need when they are 15?”. When thinking ahead, considering their next level of development, having a ‘future focus’ can bring a real blessing.

Future Talk as a strategy can help students overcome obstacles. Many years ago I worked with a student who had crippling anxiety which prevented them from speaking to teachers and other students. One of the key strategies we used was Future Talk. I was trained to acknowledge the feelings that were taking place and to talk about the child’s positive future, where they were not held back by their challenge. Over a period of time, alongside other strategies, we were able to help the child build a new vision for their future. Allowing them to have challenges is also key to growing character.

Children face all kinds of challenges and milestones. Carrying their school bag, being responsible for their belongings, playing sport when it is wet and cold, tying shoelaces. These are all everyday challenges that are part of growing up. It is easy to want to spare our children from frustration, tiredness and ourselves from managing an upset child. However, it is often in those times of real frustration, where breakthrough and new ways of operating emerge. Looking ahead, seeking to grow maturity in your child, riding some waves of emotion (while staying connected), invests in their future.

Parenting is the most challenging occupation on the planet. As a teacher, I so appreciate that these kind, helpful, well-mannered children have come to us with a lot of time and effort invested in them. KingsWay School is founded on parent partnership. We want to partner with you in preparing your child for their future, not just their now. Together let us continue to be future-focused, growing the next generation to build the Kingdom of God. 

De Gibson
Assistant Head of Primary School

Primary Sharing Assemblies Term 1:

All Primary students will attend a Sharing Assembly in the Junior Campus hall fortnightly, on Friday afternoons from 2.25pm - 3pm. Parents are welcome to attend these assemblies.


Dates to Note for Term 1

Reminder to Parents

Donated Muesli Bars 

Peanut free muesli bars to be stored in the Kauri and Totara studios:

The Junior Campus is asking for willing parents to donate peanut free muesli bars to be kept in the Studios in the event of a lengthy lockdown. If you are happy to donate a box of peanut free muesli bars, please deliver to the Junior Campus foyer and place in the boxes provided marked Kauri Studio and Totara Studio. Parents with students who have allergies please send a long lasting snack, that is labelled with child’s name and class. 

We will ensure there is fresh water available in both studios.

Primary Summer Sport Photographs - Tuesday, 12 March

Please CLICK HERE for the full article and lists of required uniform for the Summer Sport Photographs (note: some of these teams are from Term 4, 2018). 

Braddock House Bake Sale and Mufti Day

Friday, 15 March, is Mufti Day to help raise funds for the Vanuatu Mission team. Please bring a gold coin donation.

On the same day also have our first bake sale at the Junior Campus, which will be run by Braddock House. All children in Braddock House are asked to bring an item of baking to sell at lunchtime. There only needs to be one baked item per family, so if you have three or more children in Braddock then you do not need to bake three sets of muffins!

Students need only to bring loose change as items will cost 50c - $1.00, max.

Please deliver all baked items to the staffroom first thing in the morning and cut any cakes, ready for selling at 50c - $1.00 per slice.

Thank you so much for your support and encouragement of Missions at KingsWay School.

Grandparent’s Day - Wednesday 27 March

We greatly appreciate the support of our Primary families in contributing something tasty for our Grandparent’s Day morning tea. 

On the morning of Grandparent's Day (Wednesday, 27 March) we ask if all families of our Kauri studio (top studio) could please bring something savoury and Totara studio (bottom studio) please bring something sweet. Morning tea contributions are to be on disposable plates and placed in the staff room when children arrive at school that morning. 

The PTA also need parent helpers for Grandparents’ Day. If you are able to assist in any way, please contact Michelle Pearce,

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Keeping Children Safe Walking Home

Parents please ensure you know which route your child is walking to get home and you have discussed road safety with your child. Students should NOT be crossing the road at the intersection between Bonair Crescent and Millwater Parkway. We advise that all students in Y0 - Y4 be accompanied by an adult supervisor if walking home.

KingsWay School Spanish Club

Please click on the pdf attached below for further information.

Educ-Eight - The Write Reading Company

Please see the attached pdf below. 


Please see the attached pdf below. 

Thinking Caps

Please see the image attached below.

Football Fundamentals Programme

Please see the attached pdf below.

Kelly Sport

Please see the attached pdf below.