Hero photograph
Middle School
Photo by KingsWay School

Middle School

KingsWay School —

A note from Mrs Lambert - Head of Middle School

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

This term is travelling fast with so many great things happening in Middle School! We are well under way with students engaging in their varied learning programmes.

Recently I have been so encouraged to hear of the opportunities that our students are making the most of as they participate in new subjects this year. We are always developing our learning design to be relevant, engaging, effective and reflective of our current time. It is encouraging that our growth is creating new opportunities to engage and grow our young people.

Recently our leadership councils have been appointed and it is wonderful to see our Year 9 students step up as servant leaders to make a difference in their school. This year we have added our first council which allows Year 7 and 8 members. This is our Enviro Council. This is part of our move to ensure that there are leadership opportunities for all year levels. It will be great to see what this council decides to do to make a difference here on campus. As staff we are always looking for opportunities for our young people to use their initiative and for their voice to be heard as a student body – it is so important for students in this age range.

Recent highlights for me have been attending the year level worship gatherings. What a beautiful level of engagement there is of staff and students together. I am so grateful for the fact that we can freely gather and worship at school and that God’s Holy Spirit is here in our midst.

Thank you to the parents who attended the Year 7 or 8 trips this year. Both of them were new trips this year and we so appreciate your support.

Please continue to pray for KingsWay School – this amazing avenue for impact.


Lisa Lambert
Head of Middle School