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COVD-19 Update, 14 August 2020

KingsWay School —

Extension of Alert Level 3 for Auckland.

Dear KingsWay Community,

As you now know, the government has extended Alert Level 3 for the next 12 days. Please refer to the KingsWay School website for protocols for Alert Level 3.

If you are an essential worker, please complete this form to confirm next week’s childcare arrangements. Please note that we cannot accept students without a day’s prior notice. For safety reasons, we also request that you contact the school if your plans change and you no longer wish to send your child to school.

Learning programmes continue via distance learning. Please let your HOS or myself know if your child requires additional support during this time.

Post the previous lockdown we were able to reschedule many of the student activities. However, all activity costs for the year will be reviewed should Auckland remain in Level 3 for an extended period. Parents will be notified as soon as is practical regarding a change in costs, and refunds, if necessary.

Please note that the uniform shop is open for online orders during Alert Level 3, and orders will be delivered once students return to school.

I want to acknowledge the staff and particularly the Primary staff for the effort they made today to ensure learning continues during this time.

Junior Campus - Preparation for lockdown — Image by: KingsWay School
Junior Campus - Lockdown preparations — Image by: KingsWay School

Kind regards,

Graeme Budler
Executive Principal