KingsWay School — Sep 9, 2021

A Note from Graeme Budler, Executive Principal

Dear KingsWay Community,

35th Anniversary Cake — Image by: KingsWay School

A lovely celebratory cake was delivered to my door to add to my 3000 daily calorie intake in Alert Level 4.

The Ministry of Education announced that NCEA students are to receive learning recognition credits. This action is responsive to the disruption, but experience taught us that many students use this as an excuse to disengage from learning as they now have enough credits to pass. Would you please emphasise that this is more a test of character than a credit counting exercise? Teachers continue to support all learners to achieve their full potential, and students withdrawing from standards or not sitting an exam is disrespectful to the teacher's effort. If there is a wellbeing issue, please discuss this with your child's form teacher, but I encourage all students to do hard things to grow character.

Next week is Te reo Māori Language week. I confess that my commitment to the goal of becoming more proficient in the language has recently waned. I plan to spend 30 minutes a day next week as part of my celebration. If you want to join me, I suggest you visit this website that has some bite-size chunks for beginners, even those with a South African accent.

Thanks for another week of learning. I will pray that you recover this weekend and detox from online fatigue so we can do it all again next week.

God bless,

Graeme Budler
Executive Principal

Whole School Notices (Middle and Senior School)

The following changes to the Middle and Senior School uniform are confirmed for 2022.

  1. Students, staff and parents have provided feedback on a range of trouser options for girls in the Senior and Middle School. An option has been selected and will be available for purchase in 2022.

  2. The introduction of the knee-length skirt for senior girls has generally been positive. Please ensure that when purchasing skirts that the hem is on the knee or below. A mid-calf option is still available for girls who wish to purchase this. Please see the uniform shop for sizing.

  3. A senior boy’s shirt that can be worn untucked will be introduced in 2022 in a long-sleeve option. It is made of a fabric that is both durable and lightweight. This means that students can wear this shirt all year round simply by rolling up the sleeves should they be hot in the summer. It will be a white shirt, embellished with the KingsWay School logo. The design also allows for it to be tucked in when students wear a blazer and tie.
    This shirt will be phased in from 2022.
    All Year 11 students are expected to purchase and wear the new school shirt in 2022. By 2023 all Senior Boys will be expected to wear this item.

Please remember that when the school blazer is worn the school tie must be worn. When trousers are worn, school shoes must be worn

Junior Secondary: The base of the uniform for Junior Secondary (Year 10) is the same as the current Middle School version; that is, blue shirt/blouse and navy bottoms. We are currently exploring an outer layer option that will delineate Junior Secondary students from others in Middle School. More details about this outer layer will follow once confirmed.

As we introduce new items and phase out older ones KingsWay School remains committed to upholding uniform and presentation standards. That means students wearing incorrect uniform can expect to be challenged about this with the aim of encouraging unity, community and discipline.

Please see the school website (Middle School and Senior School) for more detailed uniform requirements.


If you missed last night's Wellbeing Q&A broadcast, you can view a recording of it HERE. Thanks to everyone who contributed questions. We look forward to seeing you online again in the future.

If you have an interest in the wellbeing broadcasts, we would love your input into future topics and screening options. Please share your ideas with us HERE.

Primary School Notices

No new Primary School notices.

Middle School Notices

A big congratulations goes to our winning classes for our 35th Anniversary Challenge Kahoot. Well done 7CVA, 8JCH and 9YNE. You will have your prize on our return to school.


Some parents have signed their children up to YouTube Kid’s. You can do that with your child’s personal account, however we ask that you don’t do this with the provided school email account. The school email cannot be used to set things up outside school. We use links from YouTube in our Distance Learning that will not open if you make this change.

Schools cannot use YouTube Kid’s as it will not allow such volumes of students. We can look into this further and keep you updated.

We hope you have a great weekend which is full of family time, outside time and non-digital time. Sometimes young people don’t realise how much they enjoy these important things unless they are built into the rhythms of life. It could even be a time to pray and reflect together on how things are going and what could help in the coming days.

Senior School Notices

Student Wellbeing Webinar
Yesterday, we had staff (and alumni) share some practical tips and strategies around how students can look after themselves during lockdown. There was a good turnout to this optional session and we hope students took away at least one thing that can enhance their wellbeing. A copy of the webinar can be found on the link HERE.