Hero photograph
Primary HBC Cross Country
Photo by KingsWay School

Junior Campus Notices - Week 7, Term 3

KingsWay School —

Please read the following parent notices for the Junior Campus.

Item from theHead of Learning Area - Year 3 and 4

Dear Parents

Term 3 has been jam packed with Science terminology for our Yr3/4’s - including words like “atoms”, “molecules” and “periodic table”! We have enjoyed a range of hands on experiences, experimenting in class with the 3 different states of matter – solids, liquids and gases. In Week 6, the Science Van shared more about this amazing topic with us in 2 sessions about States of Matter.

Topic learning has flowed into our Literacy program, where we have been learning to write instructions on how to carry out experiments.

What makes KingsWay so special is the unique opportunity we have as a school community to learn beyond the facts of Science. Every term we have an Essential Question that underpins all our learning, across the curriculum. This term our question is “How does being faithful through our challenges and circumstances shape who we are becoming? How does this bring glory to God?”

Having studied states of matter, we have learnt to understand the physical implications of pressure and how things react when under pressure. These discussions lead us to consider how our character ‘reacts’ under pressure or when faced with challenges. "What does God say is His desire for our character? What do we do when things go wrong?"

As a Year 3/4 cohort continuing these conversations as the term progresses, we invite you to join us in pondering our Maori proverb for the term: “He iti te makoroa nana te kahikatea I kakati - Even the small can make a significant impact on the big.”

We have the opportunity to influence people’s lives in small ways that can make a big difference… even by something as ‘small’ as a smile!


Cindi Meyer
Head Of Learning Area Year 3-4 


Cambodia Mission Trip MUFTI DAY - Friday, 7 September

There will be a Mufti Day tomorrow (Friday, 7 September) to help raise funds for the Cambodia Mission trip. The theme is 'Denim on denim, or crazy socks'. Please bring a gold coin donation.
There will also be a bake sale at the Junior Campus on this day. 

Cook House Bake Sale - TOMORROW

Tomorrow, Friday 7 September, we have our third bake sale which will be run by Cook House to raise funds for Missions. All children in Cook House are asked to bring an item of baking to sell at lunchtime. There only needs to be one baked item per family, so if you have three or more children in Cook then you do not need to bake three sets of muffins!

Students need only to bring loose change, as items will cost 50c - $1.00, max.

Please deliver all baked items to the staffroom first thing in the morning and cut any cakes, ready for selling at 50c - $1.00 per slice. Please bring items in a disposable container or clearly named container.

Thank you so much for your support and encouragement of Missions.

Optional BYOD Meeting

Information regarding optional BYOD for Years 5-6 that was referred to in the meeting held last night at the Junior Campus can be found on the 'Academic Learning' page for the Junior Campus on the school website. CLICK HERE for the link.

Mrs Alice Ng, Leaving on Maternity Leave

This week we celebrated a staff ‘Baby Shower’ with Mrs Alice Ng, who is leaving us for a while on maternity leave as she and Keon await the birth of their little baby girl.

We are delighted to have appointed Hannah Irons to take over Alice’s class. Hannah will be with us until Alice returns in Term 4 of 2019.

HBC Cross Country Zone Day

Last week, a team of 28 Year 5 and 6 runners represented KingsWay School at the HBC Cross Country Zone Day.

Our team did well and great attitudes were shown throughout the day.

Best placing in each race:
Year 5 girls - 8th Susanna Greening
Year 5 boys - 5th Matthew Springer 
Year 6 girls - 12th Eden Kelly
Year 6 boys - 5th Michael Paul

Thanks to Mrs Bridle, Mrs O’Malley, Mrs Theron and Ms Barnard for their help with transport and supervision of the team on the day.

Cross Country for Years 1-2

Cross country for Years 1-2 will be held on Wednesday, 12 September on the Junior Campus Field. Races commence at 1.45pm. Children are to come to school wearing appropriate clothing for cross country (this can include house colours). If you are unsure of your child’s House colour please ask their teacher or enquire at the school office. Rain saver day is scheduled for Friday, 14 September.

Health Centre Notice

Tummy Bugs

It is school policy to keep a child off school for at least 48hrs after the last episode of vomiting/diarrhea.

Cold/Flu Bugs

Children suffering from fevers and flu-like symptoms should remain at home at least 24hrs after the last fever.

Apparently gastro, cold and flu bugs can survive on surfaces from a day to over a week so it is a good idea to disinfect any surfaces that a sick child may have contaminated – benches, door handles, phones and keyboards.

Ensure your child has plenty of rest and fluid and visit a General Practitioner if their symptoms are concerning you.

This is a good opportunity for everyone to remind their children about the importance of never sharing food or drink and careful handwashing and drying, especially before you eat and after a bathroom visit.

Please be mindful of other students and teachers when assessing the right time for your child to return to school after an infectious illness.

Let’s have a healthy Spring!

Our Children’s Safety

Parents using the car park and surrounds are reminded to please drive slowly and not speed in or out of the car park areas. Please hold your child's hand to ensure their safety when arriving and leaving the school grounds. Please reverse into car parks when possible to ensure greater visibility of pedestrians when exiting the car park at peak time.

Please note that the drop off zone in the front car park is for use in the mornings only. The bus that shuttles the primary students to their busses in Longmore Lane after school is under tight time constraints and cannot afford to be held up by cars exiting the carpark.  Please use the bottom carpark in the afternoon.

A reminder to all parents whose children walk to and from school to ensure your children are well briefed on keeping safe. This is especially important when crossing busy roads and waiting for parents to arrive. Advise your child to find a safe place to cross (i.e. at a crossing or an intersection with traffic lights) and to stop, look, listen and not run.

Please encourage your children to walk in public places not in secluded side streets.  

Christmas Parade Float

Every year, KingsWay Junior Campus puts a float together for the Orewa Christmas Parade. This event is being held on the afternoon of Saturday, 24 November.

Is there anyone who would like to lead the team for this year’s parade?

Please email Raelene.Beguely@kingsway.school.nz to find out more.

Families Applying for an Extended Period of Leave for their Children

Parents who wish to take their children out of Primary School for an extended period eg. going on a family holiday during the school term, are required to email Jenny Harvey – Head of Primary: jenny.harvey@kingsway.school.nz

  • Please explain the reason for the extended absence 
  • Please state the dates your child/children will be away from school
  • In your email, please also Cc: absences@kingsway.school.nz to ensure extended leave from school can be coded immediately.

Refer to this article (published last week) for the policies around reporting an absence CLICK HERE

Primary Sharing Assemblies Term 3

These assemblies are for all Primary students and will be held fortnightly in the Junior Campus hall from 2.15pm. Parents are welcome to attend these Primary Sharing Assemblies:

  • Week 8 – Thursday, 13 September
  • Week 10 – Thursday, 27 September

Other assemblies held during the week:

Studio Assemblies: held weekly on Monday mornings at 9am.
Studio Worship: held weekly on Thursday mornings at 9am.

Messages to Children During School Hours

There has been a noticeable increase in the number of parents phoning in to the Primary office, wanting messages to be delivered to their children.

Please note that reception staff are not permitted to leave the office unattended, and will no longer be able to do this unless in a real emergency.

Please ensure that your children know how they are going home each day and if a change in plan cannot be avoided, then let the office know by 1pm, so that the teaching staff can be given the message at lunchtime.

Junior Campus Foyer After School

The Junior Campus staff require the support of all parents and caregivers to please vacate the Junior Campus foyer as quickly as possible after school.

We have various sports teams, Kumon Mathematics and The sKids After School Programme operating in this area from 3.05pm. They are finding it increasingly challenging to instruct their students and run their programmes effectively.

Please Ensure Children are Clear on After School Arrangements

Parents please ensure your children know what form of transport or arrangement has been made for them at the end of the day. We seem to be having a lot of confusion at the end of the day with children uncertain whether they are taking the bus or being picked up from school. Children who have difficulty remembering what the arrangement is after school, or if this plan has changed from their usual routine, we recommend you put a note in their lunch box to remind them. 

Please mention to your child if they take the School Bus home, they must travel on the Shuttle Bus from the Junior Campus over to Longmore Lane to connect with their School Bus home. Primary children are not permitted to walk over to Longmore Lane to connect with their School Bus.

Activity Fees

A reminder that the Primary Activity Fees for domestic students are now past the due date. Please ensure payment is made as soon as possible. This notice is for domestic students only and does not apply to International Students. Activity fees are available on the KingsWay website. Please click on link below.


Forms are also available at the Junior Campus office. If you have any queries regarding activity fees, please contact Paula Southworth by email paula.southworth@kingsway.school.nz

Touch Rugby Registrations Now Open

Registrations for Touch Rugby are now open. Please CLICK HERE for further information.

LAST WEEK for Summer Soccer Registrations

This is the LAST WEEK to register your child for Summer Soccer. Registrations CLOSE on Friday, 14 September. Registrations cost $45. Girls and boys are encouraged to register, even if they've never played soccer before. All games are played at the Stanmore Bay fields on Monday afternoons. No training is required. Please register on the KingsWay School website - CLICK HERE.

Rainbow Kids

Hendrina Hancock is a Child Therapist on the Hibiscus Coast who is offering group and individual therapy for children with special needs, developmental delay, emotional and social difficulties, language and communication delay, Autism, anxiety and more. Please open the pdf attached below for further information.