Hero photograph
Photo by Donne van den Berg

Year 3 Newsletter

Donne van den Berg —

Week 2, Term 1

Dear Whānau

It has been such a pleasure hearing the buzz within the studios this past week. Meeting the new children and Whānau is always an exciting time!

The learners have all settled well into their new classes, and are getting to know each other, their new routine and teacher through games and oral language activities in class.

A huge welcome to our new learners who have joined our KingsWay community this year: Jack Ballantyne, Karla du Toit and Aisha Shotbolt. May your journey be incredibly blessed!

Please see an introductory newsletter from your child's teacher by clicking on the links below:

Mrs van den Berg

Miss K

Miss Strydom

Home Learning

Home Learning will be sent home from next week (Week 3).

Memory Verse

Psalm 23: 1-3 A Psalm of David.
1 The Lord is my shepherd. He gives me everything I need. 2 He lets me lie down in fields of green grass. He leads me beside quiet waters.

Spelling Words

January, February, March, April, July, August, September, October, November, December

The home learning expectations:

Memory verses: Students learn their weekly memory verse and recite it on Friday.
Reading: Please sign your child’s reading cards daily. Readers at your child’s level will be sent home in Week 3 from Monday-Thursday.
Mathematics: Students will receive a login for a new mathematics programme called Maths-Whizz. You will be notified of the expectations with regards Maths Whizz.

 Please note that at the start of the year it can take a few weeks for Maths Whizz to be up and running for our classes. We greatly appreciate your patience with this.

Spelling: Students are to practice their spelling words daily. They are expected to write their words in well-constructed and correct sentences weekly. The words are tested at the end of each week.
WOW Word: Students are to write a well-constructed and correct sentence using their word of the week.


  • PE, library and Spanish take place on Thursdays. Please send children to school in full PE kit. Please also send library bags to school on Thursday.
  • Please send all outstanding stationery requirements and workbooks to school as soon as possible.
  • All Year 3 learners require the Adventure Bible. These can be purchased from the front office at your earliest convenience.

Blessings to you all

Mrs D van den Berg

Miss K Pretorius

Miss M Strydom