Senior School
KingsWay School - April 7, 2022
Term 2
We realise that Covid has had a significant impact on school life and some of our usual planned activities in Term 1. However, for Term 2, we are optimistically planning for a fuller and more ‘normal’ senior school calendar and trying to maximize all opportunities. We look forward to being able to hold year level gatherings as well as trips, camps and courses almost every week. We are also planning community events such as Top Town, World Vision fundraising activities, Career Expos as well as a Conference Day for Year 13’s and the School Ball. We are proud of the way students have navigated a long, challenging Term 1 and hope that Term 2 can be closer to normal school life.
Flexi Study
It is clear that there is increasing anxiety, stress and worry around academic performance and pressures for many of our Senior students. Please encourage students to keep open communication with their teachers on this, and to also take advantage of the Flexi Study opportunities on Monday afternoons. Teachers from all Faculties are available to answer questions or help with learning in any way. A reminder that from Term 2, it is not compulsory for Year 11 students to be onsite for Study on a Monday afternoon. However, for all students, we highly recommend they engage when they need to.
Level 2 Outdoor Education Rock Camp
In Week 9 the Senior Level 2 Outdoor Education Class travelled to the Waikato for 3 days of camping and Rock Climbing at Wharepapa South, an amazing natural climbing crag called Castlerock. The group have been studying both Risk Management and Rock Climbing, and this trip was an opportunity to complete assessments in both. Many hands were grazed, cut, and blisters formed, however, the group showed huge character and resilience to push through the fatigue and experience some amazing climbs. A big thanks to Trevor Fox and Danielle Oosthuizen for accompanying Mr Harris on this trip. As well as the physical skills gained during this week, the students grew together in teamwork, support of one another, and even honed their cooking skills along the way. It was fantastic to be outdoors enjoying this spectacular part of the country.
November Examination Timetable & NCEA Information
The timings of these examinations may be beneficial for parents, even at this early stage in the year, to help you see what the end of the year will look like.
- See the National Secondary Examination Timetable
- See the Candidate Information Sheet which holds important NCEA related information
Student Logins for NCEA
This week during Flexi Study, Year 11 students went through how to log in to NZQA. This login is important because it enables students to access their results as well as any digital exams they will sit in the external exams (in November). Please discuss this with students and encourage them to save their login details where they can find them later. Any students who were absent or unable to do this, including any students in other years who are new to NCEA, will be followed up again next term.
Please note that:
- Students need to arrive in their day uniform with PE uniform packed from Term 2. No one can arrive in PE gear. They will go home in PE gear if they had a PE or Sport lesson after lunch. This is because we will resume using our changing sheds.
- Tuesday 12 April is a 2 pm finish for Parent-Teacher Conferences. Buses run at the normal times.
- Thursday 14 April is a 2 pm finish due to Easter Weekend and the end of Term 1. Buses run at the normal times.
- Term 2 commences on Monday 2 May.