Hero photograph
Photo by Meghan Jeppe

Year 5 Weekly Newsletter

Meghan Jeppe —

Week 2, Term 1

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whanau,

This week has been a fantastic start to the year. It has been fabulous seeing the smiling faces of our students back at school. As teachers, we have loved connecting with each of our students, while students renewed old friendships and having the ability to connect with our students who are new to KingsWay. We look forward to partnering with you as parents in regards to your child’s learning.

Lunch orders

Please make sure that you have logged into your MyKindo accounts for the Tuckshop and updated your child's class to this year's information. This will avoid lunches not being delivered to the right class and getting lost. 

Kindly ensure that you carefully select the right date for delivery and that if you do not receive a confirmation email, that this means the order has not gone through and your child won’t get their lunch.

Tissues and wet wipes

Please assist us with making sure that your child has tissues and wet wipes available to them at school. Kindly send a box of tissues and a pack of wet wipes with your child if you have not yet done so.

Parent Survey link

Please fill in the information regarding your child via the 2023 Year 5 Term 1 Parent Survey Form link

Memory Verse and home learning

Memory Verse link for Term 1

Week 3
Acts 17 : 25
25 He is not served by human hands. He doesn’t need anything. Instead, he himself gives life and breath to all people. He also gives them everything else they have. 

Week 3 home learning link

God Bless

Kia pai tō rā whakatā

The Year 5 Teachers

Mrs Meghan Jeppe

Ms Angela Hillman

Mrs Peta-Ann Ross

Mr Harry Yeh-Grut