Hero photograph
Mark Mitchell
Photo by KingsWay School

Middle School - Active and Involved

KingsWay School —

Please read the follow Middle School news:

Mark Mitchell

Year 8 students were recently treated to a visit by local M.P Mark Mitchell. Mark gave an inspirational message about leadership, perseverance and the unique opportunities and challenges he faces in his position. Mark spoke powerfully about justice, caring for and protecting those who were vulnerable. It linked perfectly with our learning about leadership. Students are excited about forming their own parties and deciding on both policy and reform. Mark has volunteered to return later in the term to hear Year 8 students present their election speeches. We look forward to seeing what they come up with!

Cross Country

On Tuesday students from Years 3-9 participated in our annual Cross Country run at Shakespeare Park. We were proud to watch participants showing determination and character as they made their way along the beach, over creeks and up the hill. Their training paid off. Whanau houses competed in a chant off and tug of war competition. Year 9’s eagerly took up Mr Budler’s challenge to beat him in the 3.6km race. Fourteen Year 9 boys are thrilled to be getting an ice-cream from him for beating him over the finish line. The weather was perfect for the occasion and the staff and students are grateful to the many parents, grandparents and other supporters who showed up to cheer our students on. We also appreciate the servant leadership demonstrated by our Year 10 and 13 students who assisted us on the day, some running many laps to guide and support the younger runners around the course. Kia Kaha.

Looking Ahead

While Middle School teachers are focussed on our teaching and learning now, we are also enjoying discussions as we think ahead to 2020. Time and energy is being spent planning and ensuring that we have new resources to add to the student learning experience moving forward.

We will be able to update you all soon on the outcomes of our Spelling Bee and Lip Sync competitions! Watch this space.

Lisa Lambert
Head of Middle School


Kristina Taylor
Assistant Head of Middle School