Hero photograph
Coach Anke with the Girls Yellow North Harbour Team
Photo by KingsWay School

Focus on the Coach – Anke van Tonder

KingsWay School —

I had always enjoyed playing volleyball during PE but had never thought of joining the team. During Year 12, I went to watch a friend who was training for the season, and I ended up being pressured (with lots of love of course) into joining the trials. I wasn't even wearing the proper shoes, but I decided to have a go and had some fun with the other players. I ended up loving the game and signing up as a result. From then on, I worked hard to improve my skills, and I have really enjoyed all the seasons I have played. I love volleyball because even as a beginner, it's a fun game! As your skills improve and you're able to play more competitively, it becomes a really rewarding experience to apply those skills and strategies when playing with your team. Playing a sport throughout your schooling years is a great experience as you get to play alongside your friends who share your passion for the game. The other thing that I love about volleyball is that I am still growing as a player to this day.

Last year, I was asked to coach the Year 8 Girls' Volleyball team, and although I was a bit nervous, I was really excited to help out. I saw it as a great opportunity to help build up young girls to become confident volleyball players. And so, my coaching journey began. Initially, I started coaching because there was a need for a coach, but I've kept on coaching because I've loved the camaraderie that I've developed with the team, and I will continue to coach for this same reason. I think that coaching is such a great way to turn your passion for sport into service. I've really enjoyed giving back to the school with something that I am passionate about. Coaching is also a great way to build relationships. The Volleyball team have taught me just as much as I have taught them. It is awesome to be a part of the circle of what makes sport possible. I coach to pass on to players what previous coaches have taught me. It is an honour to use my position as a coach to share my love and passion with those players in a way that helps them grow as both a player and a person.

Some advice that I would like to give to both existing and aspiring volleyball players is to just, "Give it a go!" You never know what you're good at unless you give it a go - especially in sport! The other bit of advice I'd like to share is, "Be prepared to step out of your comfort zone if you want to grow as a person and as a player."

It is so exciting to see how the interest in senior volleyball has grown over the past few years; we've gone from having barely enough players to now having two full senior girls teams! All the amazing girls I have coached and played alongside have only increased my love for the sport. I love seeing them jump in and give the game their best. This is such a refreshing sight. I am beyond grateful for the players that have made my coaching journey possible, and I hope for many more successful seasons.

Anke Van Tonder

Anke coached both Girls Yellow and Girls Blue North Harbour Volleyball teams during Term 1 2022 — Image by: KingsWay School