Hero photograph
Photo by Peta-Ann Ross

Year 5 Newsletter

KingsWay School —

Term 4, Week 5

Dear Parents, Caregivers, and Whanau

Surf Day 

This is a friendly reminder to complete the form for Surf Day to give permission for your child to attend if you have not already done so. We must have a ratio of 1 parent to every 4 children, therefore we require many more volunteers to join us for the day. Unfortunately, we will have to cancel this fun day if we are unable to get enough parent volunteers.

Thank you to all the parents who have already given permission for their children to attend Surf Day and to those who have volunteered their time.


Please remind your child to pack their hats daily in their school bags, otherwise, the rule applies - “No hat, No play, No fun today.” 

Memory Verse and home learning

Memory Verse link for Term 4

Our homework programme has wrapped up for the year, allowing our students to concentrate on all the fun end-of-year activities.

For those undertaking the challenge, whole-year memory verses with the correct references, can now be recited to receive an end-of-year certificate at the prizegiving.

Kia pai tō rā whakatā

The Year 5 Teachers

Mrs Peta-Ann Ross

Ms Angela Hillman

Mrs Jemma Dinnen

Mrs Natalie Cass