Hero photograph
Photo by Marion Santos

Year 4 Newsletter

KingsWay School —

Week 5, Term 2

Tālofa Mātua, Aīga,

This week, New Zealand celebrates the Samoan Language. The translation of our usual greeting into Samoan Language, is Tālofa Mātua, Aīga.

During International Week, a Samoan mum and her daughter introduced the Year 4 students to a Samoan war cry, which originates from the Samoan traditional war dance, seen at the opening of rugby matches. 

This week had the opportunity to share our experience in the Year 4-6 assembly. The students also sang ‘Sit Down, Sit Down" a children's song sung in English, Cook Island Māori and Samoan. 

Image by: Marion Santos

What a huge blessing it is for us to see the way our children embrace other cultures and their willingness to share the gold found in their own cultures. 


  • No School on Monday - King’s Birthday
  • PE kit to be worn every Friday to school for Sports Rotation
  • Spanish, Library and PE:

         4NBU, 4TWR and 4LWN children have Library, PE and Spanish every Thursday.

         4MSA will have lessons on Tuesdays.

Home Learning Week 6

Reading: Please sign your child’s reading cards daily. Readers at your child’s level will be sent home. 

Mathematics: Work towards getting your gem for the week.

Spelling: we are learning to spell words where ‘aw’ represents /or/ sound

Spelling Words: laundry, astronaut, sauce, applaud, autumn, pause, launch, August, author, automatic, gaunt

WOW Phrase

Design Brief - written plan that identifies a problem to be solved

Memory Verse

Colossians 1:16

For in Him all things were created; things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him and for Him. 

Lots of love and blessings to you,

Ngā Mihi Nui,

Year 4 Kaiako