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Year 10 Student Volunteer Army (SVA) by KingsWay School

Junior Secondary Newsletter

KingsWay School - March 9, 2023

Week 6, Term 1

Full School Notices

Please CLICK HERE for important, full school notices.

Mufti Day - Fundraising for Tonga Missions

We have a mufti day coming up next week on Friday, 17 March. The money raised will be used to assist the Tonga Christian Radio to complete their building project and build a new antenna mast so they can broadcast the Gospel to more places in Tonga. Our aim is for each class to raise a minimum of $100 ($3-5 per person) if possible. We really value your support for this initiative. Please encourage your child to pray for Tonga as a nation, and for the Christian Broadcasting Station in particular. The theme of the day is Red and White (Tonga flag colours).

Junior Secondary Notices

Message from Paul Miller - Head of Junior Secondary

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whānau,

Thank you so much for your engagement with our school community and your support in the education of your children. It was great to meet a few of you at the Parent Fun Night and our teachers had nothing but good things to say from their interactions with you on the Meet the Teacher online meetings. 

Student Volunteer Army

The Student Volunteer Army (SVA) was launched for Junior Secondary only a few weeks ago, and we’re already celebrating our champion volunteers! Last assembly a number of proud students were awarded their SVA badges for membership qualification (5 hours served) and bronze award (32 hours); two of them have served over 100 hours already. We found many of our students were already volunteering their time with bands, sports coaching, serving in church, or helping neighbours. SVA is a fantastic way to recognise the hard work they are doing to bless others, to inspire their peers to emulate their example, to bolster their CV and to provide new opportunities where young people can get involved in the community such as tree planting, sausage sizzles, beach clean-ups and the like. Jesus said the greatest among us must be a servant, as he was [Mt 20:26], and it’s amazing to see so many young people putting their faith in action to love and serve others.

  • Boston Dean – Member Bronze
  • Elena-Jin Pearce – Member Bronze
  • Jerry Zhang - Member Bronze
  • Lana Potgieter – Member
  • Christine McIlrath – Member Bronze
  • Olivia Withers – Member
  • Eliana Kim – Member Bronze
  • Eli Stratton – Member Bronze
  • Baxter Williams – Member Bronze
  • Isabella Taylor – Member
  • Noah Medwin – Member Bronze

Celebrating our students 

We also honour students who are displaying our “Be Statements” in an outstanding way. The following students received an award at our assembly last week;

  • Riley Greenwood for outstanding kindness and respect towards others
  • Kayden Hockley for being teachable and seeking to stretch himself in English
  • Mackenzie Gillanders for being teachable and producing a beautiful visual pepeha
  • Jamir Moreno Baumann for embracing New Zealand culture and overcoming challenges with a smile
  • Zeb Leota Lu for showing us all what it means to step up and contribute during Unchartered day.

Congratulations to all these students! 

Junior Secondary Crewneck 

We have had many enquires regarding our Year 10 Junior Secondary Sweatshirt. Yes we did order in a very limited number of extra sweatshirts. These are available on a first in first served basis and there is only size small and medium now available. Please contact Sarah Lynne, with the size required (S, M) and a sweatshirt can be put aside.  Cost: $35.

Internet Payment to 12-3084-0192348-54. (Please include Student Name, ID Number and SWEAT). Alternatively payment can be made at reception.

One of our students, Boston Dean, has been growing his hair for five years so that he could donate the hair to make wigs for those suffering from cancer. He has set up a donation page. The proceeds will go to the Leukaemia and Blood Cancer Foundation. Please consider supporting Boston!

Ngā mihi

Paul Miller 
Head of Junior Secondary

Upcoming Dates:

  • Tuesday, 14 March: Year 7 - 13 Summer Sport Photos
  • Friday, 17 March: Mufti Day - Tonga Missions
  • Thursday, 30 March:
    Classes finish at 2:00 pm
    Parent Teacher Conferences from 2:30 pm
  • Thursday, 6 April: Last day of Term 1 - 2:00 pm finish
  • Friday, 7 April: Good Friday - Public Holiday

Junior Secondary Contacts

Junior Secondary Teachers

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