Hero photograph
Junior Campus
Photo by KingsWay School

Junior Campus Notices - Week 9, Term 2

KingsWay School —

Please read the following parent notices for the Junior Campus.


Mufti Day - TOMORROW, Friday 29 June

Please CLICK HERE for the full school notice.

Darby House Bake Sale - TOMORROW, Friday 29 June

On Friday 29 June, we have our second bake sale, which will be run by Darby to raise funds for Mission. All children in Darby House are asked to bring an item of baking to sell at lunchtime. There only needs to be one baked item per family. Please deliver all baked items to the staffroom first thing in the morning and cut any cakes, ready for selling at 50c - $1.00 per slice.

Students need only to bring loose change as items will cost 50c - $1.00.
Thanking you so much for your support and encouragement for Missions.

PTA Ladies' Night - TOMORROW Friday, 29 June

It's not too late to buy tickets! Please CLICK HERE for further information.

PTA - a call for helpers

The Ladies’ Night is this Friday night and planning is going well. We will need help on the night and we are hoping you’re available to lend a hand for an hour or more on the day (Friday) to help make it a successful event.

I’m putting together a roster to cover the various jobs that need to be done, including setting up during the day (mainly from 3:30pm onwards), helping with food prep, welcoming people, helping in the Pop-Up Recycling Boutique and helping pack up at the end of the night.

Please let me know if you can help and whether you’re available during the afternoon for set up or just during the evening. If you have a preference of what job you’d like to do let me know that too and we’ll try to accommodate everyone.

Able to help in any way please email Jo on: mipelan@hotmail.com

Thanks so much in advance.

Jo Pelan (PTA member)

Lost property

All the lost property at the Junior Campus will be on display in the foyer for one week.
At the end of school on Wednesday, 4 July all unnamed and unclaimed lost property will be reassigned.

Please take the time to check the lost property table. Thank you!

Junior Campus Counselling Update

At the end of this term we sadly farewell Carley Braddock who has been working as a counsellor and running groups for the past 3 terms. We are very grateful to Carley for giving her time and expertise. She will be leaving to continue her Post Graduate/Doctoral studies.

In Term 3 we will welcome Su Fenwick to our team to oversee the Junior Campus counselling. Su is an experienced counsellor with a heart for children. She has been the Head of Student Support in an International School in Hong Kong for the past 10 years counselling and teaching and is returning to NZ. Su will work 2 days a week in the Junior Campus and is looking forward to meeting you all.

Why offer counselling at the Junior Campus?

For parents unfamiliar with this service, Kingsway School has qualified counsellors available for students in consultation with their parents. We partner with parents to support children and help them to encounter God’s love when facing challenges that impact on children’s life and learning. For more information contact michelle.youngs@kingsway.school.nz

Health and Safety Notice to Parents

Please be advised that a letter regarding emergency practice procedures was sent via email to all Junior Campus parents today. A copy of the same letter has been attached to this notice. Please scroll down to attachments at the base of the newsletter.

Messages to Children During School Hours

There has been a noticeable increase in the number of parents phoning in to the Primary office, wanting messages to be delivered to their children.

Please note that reception staff are not permitted to leave the office unattended, and will no longer be able to do this unless in a real emergency.

Please ensure that your children know how they are going home each day and if a change in plan cannot be avoided, then let the office know by 1pm, so that the teaching staff can be given the message at lunchtime.

Afterschool Arrangements with Children

Parents please ensure your children know what form of transport or arrangement has been made for them at the end of the day. We seem to be having a lot of confusion at the end of the day with children uncertain whether they are taking the bus or being picked up from school. For children who have difficulty remembering what the arrangement is after school, or if their usual routine has changed, we recommend you put a note in their lunch box to remind them.

Junior Campus Car Park - Important Reminder

Please ensure cars are driving slowly and not speeding in or out of the car park. Parents waiting for their children are asked to turn their cars off and to remember to reverse into the car parks, if possible.

Junior Campus Foyer After School

The Junior Campus staff require the support of all parents and caregivers to please vacate the Junior Campus foyer as quickly as possible after school.

We have various sports teams, Kumon Mathematics and The sKids After School Programme operating in this area from 3.05pm. They are finding it increasingly challenging to instruct their students and run their programmes effectively.

Activity Fees

A reminder that the Primary Activity Fees for domestic students are now past the due date. Please ensure payment is made as soon as possible. This notice is for domestic students only and does not apply to International Students. Activity fees are available on the KingsWay website. Please click on link below.


Forms are also available at the Junior Campus office. If you have any queries regarding activity fees, please contact Paula Southworth by email paula.southworth@kingsway.school.nz

Love Soup Winter Collection

Clothing for Love Soup: We are still collecting clean, good children’s clothing and winter blankets for Love Soup who distribute to families in our Community. Please bag up and drop off to either the Senior Campus or Junior Campus reception collection points. Thank you for your support.

Spanish Lessons

If you are interested in Spanish lessons held on the KingsWay Junior Campus on Fridays during school hours, please contact Cristina on 021 0734 528, for more information (our apologies as this number has been incorrect in previous newsletters).

Primary Assemblies

Please note there has been a change to Primary Sharing Assemblies, which will now be on Thursday afternoons every fortnight. Please see below for dates.

Primary Sharing Assemblies Term 2:

This assembly is for all Primary students and will be held fortnightly, in the School Hall from 2.15pm:

  • Week 10 – Thursday 5 July

Parents are welcome to attend Primary Sharing Assemblies.

Studio Assemblies:

Held weekly on Monday mornings at 9am.

SKIDS Holiday Programme

Please CLICK HERE for further information.

Forest School Holiday Programme

Please open the pdf below.

HBC Football Fundamentals Term 3 Programme

Please open the pdf below.

HBC Football Holiday Programme 

Please open the pdf below.