Hero photograph
Curriculum 38
Photo by KingsWay School

Junior Campus Notices - Week 3, Term 2

KingsWay School —

Please read the following parent notices for the Junior Campus.

Update from the Head of Learning Area: Year 0-2

At KingsWay we acknowledge that God created our children to be unique and diverse. Each one has their own special blend of gifts, talents, abilities and interests. On a Monday afternoon, the Year 0-2 students are given the opportunity to develop, extend, explore and enjoy their uniqueness and their diversity.

The teachers set out a wide variety of activities for the students to engage with. In the hall we have skipping ropes, balls, hoops and other PE equipment. The sandpit is a favourite on fine days. In the studio we have dress-ups, movement to music, painting, playdough, various types of construction and drawing. The children get to choose any of the activities and they get to choose how long they want to engage with them. In this way, the students are able to have a go at a few things or just stick with one or two. They learn to make choices and they learn about activities they like or don’t like. They get to have a “taste” of things they might not have done before.

We have found that this is a favourite time for our students as they work and play together developing their social skills as they learn about themselves and others.

Nicky Heyns
Head of Learning Area (HOLA): Year 0-2 


Primary Parent Meeting at the Junior Campus

Reminder to all Primary Parents that the Primary Parent Information Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 30 May at 7pm, in the Totara Studio.

Items on the agenda include:

  • BYOD on the Junior Campus
  • An update on the building modification timeline planned for the Junior Campus
  • Feedback on parent consultation of the school’s 2030 Plan

One parent from each family is expected to attend. Please sign the attendance register on arrival.

KingsWay 2030 Strategic Growth and Development Plan

Here is your chance to have your voice heard on the future development of KingsWay School. Please can you complete this five-minute survey. The results of the survey will be shared and reflected on at the Primary Parent meeting on, 30 May at 7pm.

Simply click on the survey link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PDX7MKQ

Flippa Ball

Flippa Ball (Junior water polo) is a new and exciting sport for Year 3-6 students and starts this Sunday! We urgently need a few extra players for our Year 5/6 team.

Please CLICK HERE for more details and to register for this sport.

Primary Netball

Any girls, who have a Player of the Day Netball trophy from last season, please return to the Junior Campus reception for Mrs Beguely as soon as possible.

Infection Control

Several students have recently succumbed to a vomiting/gastro bug. If your child has a tummy bug (not food poisoning), they remain contagious for up to 2 weeks after the last episode of vomiting and/or diarrhea.

It is school policy to keep a child off school for at least 48hrs after the last episode of vomiting/diarrhea.

Children suffering from fevers and flu-like symptoms should remain at home at least 24hrs after the last fever.

Gastro, cold and flu bugs are thought to be able to survive on surfaces from 1 day to over a week, so it is a good idea to disinfect any surfaces that a sick child may have contaminated – benches, door handles, phones and keyboards.

Ensure your child has plenty of rest and fluid.

This is a good opportunity for everyone to remind their children about the importance of never sharing food or drink and careful hand washing/drying, especially before you eat and after a bathroom visit.

Please be mindful of other students and teachers when assessing the right time for your child to return to school after an infectious illness.

Let’s have a healthy Winter!

Rippa Rugby Year 3-6

Any children interested in playing for Kingsway School at our local Rippa Rugby tournament please email Raelene.beguely@kingsway.school.nz as soon as possible.

Cross Country Day

The Year 3-9 Cross Country Day at Shakespear Regional Park has changed to Thursday, 16 August which is a day earlier than previously scheduled.

KingsWay School Bibli-a-thon 2018

KingsWay School Bibli-a-thon 2018 is taking place on Friday, 1 June. Children should have brought home questions, answers, and sponsor forms. Please encourage your child to start learning the questions and answers while gathering sponsors. Please then send money in to your child’s teacher after Friday, 1 June. 

Primary School Winter Uniforms

Term 2 - children are to wear black shoes. Year 1-2 students have the option of black shoes with Velcro. Year 3-6 students must wear black shoes with laces or buckles only (no sandals worn in Term 2 and 3). Girls must wear white knee length or ankle socks or navy blue stockings. Boys are to wear the KingsWay uniform socks.

Uniforms can also be purchased from our Uniform Shop located at the Senior Campus or online through our school website. Please CLICK HERE for the Uniform Shop link and note the open hours for the Uniform Shop during the school holidays.

Activity Fees

A reminder that the Primary Activity Fees for domestic students are now past the due date. Please ensure payment is made as soon as possible. This notice is for domestic students only and does not apply to International Students. Activity fees are available on the KingsWay website. Please click on link below.


Forms are also available at the Junior Campus office. If you have any queries regarding activity fees, please contact Paula Southworth by email paula.southworth@kingsway.school.nz

Primary Assemblies

Please note there has been a change to Primary Sharing Assemblies, which will now be on Thursday afternoons every fortnight. Please see below for dates.

Primary Sharing Assemblies Term 2: 

This assembly is for all Primary students and will be held fortnightly, in the School Hall from 2.15pm:

  • Week 4 - Thursday 24 May – No assembly
  • Week 6 - Thursday 7 June
  • Week 8 – Thursday 21 June
  • Week 10 – Thursday 5 July

Parents are welcome to attend Primary Sharing Assemblies.

Studio Assemblies:

Held weekly on Monday mornings at 9am

Studio Worship Assemblies: (NOTE, the day has changed for Term 2)

Studio Worship Assemblies will be held weekly on THURSDAY mornings at 9am

PTA Ladies Night

Please donate your pre-loved clothes and accessories for our Ladies Night. 
We are also collecting clean, good children’s clothing and winter blankets. Please bag up and drop off to either SC or JC reception collection points. Thank you for your support

Please CLICK HERE for further information.

How to find Payment Details on our School Shop

Please CLICK HERE for the full article on how to find previous payment details on our online school shop.

Spanish Lessons

If you are interested in Spanish lessons held on the KingsWay Junior Campus on Fridays during school hours, please contact Cristina on 021073452, for more information.

Kumon - Free Trial

Please CLICK HERE for the link.

Kelly Sports

Please CLICK HERE for the link.

Football Fundamentals

Please CLICK HERE for the link.