Hero photograph
Photo by Mike Molloy

From The Tumuaki's Table - Term 3, Week 7

Mike Molloy —

We are back in business and the tamariki are super excited to see their friends and teachers!

Kia ora KSS Whānau,

It was fantastic to be at the gate welcoming all of the families back to school! The sound of chatter back on the grounds and the huge smiles on faces said it all. We are back at where we love to be. 

The teachers had the day planning for the return to Level 2 yesterday. We too had some time to connect as a group and share our lockdown stories. We are well prepared to ensure all children have a successful transition back to school. We have allowed more time for the children to reconnect with each other, to share news, eat more often and have some breaks! It is all about re-establishing the daily routines in a safe and happy environment.

You might feel anxious about being away from them, worried about how much you did not do while working and managing from home over the last 3 weeks. Don't you worry... we are not here to judge your teaching skills or lack thereof! We will pick up where each child is at and continue to deliver an exciting, engaging and fun curriculum. We thank all families for doing what you could when you could and for being so supportive of the kaimahi (staff) over this distance learning time. 

Many parents asked about face coverings. As a school, we are exempt from the 50 rule and therefore are not required to wear masks. When entering the school you can choose whether to wear a mask - it is recommended by the Ministry of Health. The main point is to drop and go where you can and keep your 2m distance. Avoid staying onsite and gathering in groups too. As a precaution, we are avoiding any large gatherings where we would normally invite parents and whānau on-site (Celebration Assemblies, Mihi Whakatau etc).

Take the time to focus on you and your work while we take great care of your children.

Take care

Matua Mike