Hero photograph
Photo by Mike Molloy

From the Tumuaki's Table - Term 1, Week 4, 2023

Mike Molloy —

Once again some communities have been hit hard by Cyclone Gabrielle. Our thoughts are with those with family and friends in the regions that have been badly affected. Make sure you reach out to them when you can and offer support. Many of us have been through this with the earthquakes back in 2011.

The school year is rocketing by as is the new building site! The children are excited to see Ōwaka shaping up so quickly. Internally the electricians are finshing off, the painters are in and the autex is going on the walls. Outside the landscaping, concreting and asphalt preparation is underway. We look forward to the opening on Thursday 6 April at 1.30pm. Please make sure you RSVP as we would love the see you there!

The children are now well settled into their classroom routines and most programmes are in full swing. We appreciated your attendance at the Whānau Hui Conferences last week. Teachers learn a great deal from these discussions with whānau. The school and home partnership is vital to get the best for each and every child. 

A new Cookie Dough fundraiser has been launched this week by the Friends of the School. Who does not love a good cookie? Please support their goal of reaching $27,000! Be the first person to ask me to buy from you...

You may like to be part of the team - their next meeting is on Wednesday 8 March at 6.45pm.

I have been thrilled at the number of parents taking pride in the new Flag Mural. This is a true symbol of our rich cultural diversity! I have had 4 more families ask for their flag to be on there next! In the Tari (Office) we have a world map - please pop in and add a star to show where your family are from.

Our celebration assemblies are back in action this year. If your child is receiving a certificate the teachers will contact you on a Wednesday. These start at 2pm on alternating Fridays.

Take care.

Matua Mike