Craig Allchurch — Jun 9, 2020

In term 3, one of our topics is Health, with an emphasis on Sexuality Education

Puberty lessons, sexuality, relationships, what's happening to my body, identifying body parts....

Sound familiar? Bringing back any memories from your time at Primary School? KSS is about to embark on sexuality education taught at school. This programme is a part of the New Zealand Curriculum and it looks very different at each year level. 

We will be holding an information session for all whānau at school on  Thursday 30 July (3.15pm - 3.45pm) 

The purpose of the session is to gain an understanding of what you as whānau believe is important and valuable when it comes to sexuality education and to share what content will be taught to the children throughout the unit. 

We would love to have you along, so please RSVP to Matua Craig so we have an understanding of which space would be suitable to hold the hui.