Hero photograph
Photo by Mike Molloy

From The Tumuaki's Table - Term 4, Week 4

Mike Molloy —

The senior school athletics day was held last week with some excellent competition. All students from years 4-8 competed with such great spirits and sportsmanship. Their support of each other was a true reflection of the school's values of care and connection.

The end of the school year is drawing very close. Staff are already completing their final assessment for the end of year data collection. Due to the disruption caused by lockdowns we are expecting the results to reflect this. Teachers are well underway with starting to draft end of year general report comments too. 

The End of Year Celebrations will be held in each team during the school day and live-streamed via the school Facebook page. These take place in the last week of the term. We appreciate that this is yet another missed opportunity for parents to attend. Let's hope that we are back to some form of level one in 2022!

As I stand at the gate most days I often feel so lucky to be part of a supportive and vibrant community. Thank you, parents and whānau for showing how much you care by supporting all the new rules and regulations we have to follow to continue to keep our children safe and happy at school.