A Note from The Knights Stream School Friends of School (FoS)

Sue Beattie —

On behalf of the FoS we would like to welcome all our whanau and tamariki back through the KSS gates! It's been so nice to see lots of familiar faces again and welcome in some new ones.

We are excited to hold our first meeting of Term Two on Monday the 8th of June from 7.00-8.00pm in the Ruma Kaimahi (Staffroom), followed by a casual drink from 8.00pm at The Long Knight for anyone interested.
You are all invited to come along, grab a cuppa and hear all about what we have planned for the second half of the year and we'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas on possible fundraising opportunities for the school!

These meetings are held to provide a space and opportunity for parents and caregivers to participate in, or to simply come along and hear about what we have been up to and what is in the pipeline. We hope to see you there! In the meantime you can join the private Facebook Group here to keep up to date on meetings and fundraising events. 

The FoS Vision: To provide a friendly, diverse and open forum for parents and caregivers to work together to raise funds to support our students and families, whilst building our school community.