Hero photograph
Photo by Mike Molloy

From the Tumuaki's Table - Term 2 Week 7

Mike Molloy —

A special welcome back to all our KSS Whānau - albeit a delayed face to face start for Term 2!

It was heartwarming to see the smiling faces of our tamariki running back through the gates ready to reconnect with their schoolmates and kaiako (teachers). The same look was on most parents faces too, although there was also a little unease with the Level 2 return to school after such a restricted time away. For some, it felt like we were starting the school year all over again. Our priority is to help settle the children back into their routines while ensuring they feel safe and happy at school.

As parents, you have been through a rollercoaster of emotions as we all navigated life at home whilst teaching children and working. In some ways, we were cheated of a real term holiday as we dreamed up fun activities to entertain from inside our homes. The effort you put in to do your best in the lockdown was highly commendable. You kept as much connection with the learning as you could by helping the children engage in their daily routines. Most of all, you kept smiling and gave your children the most positive experience possible. 

The kaimahi (staff) have noted that the children are well settled and are ready for learning. We look forward to some quality teaching over the next 6 weeks. Later this term we will check in to see where all our children are at so we can then plan the next steps for their learning.  Due to the decreased time at school, we will not be writing the mid year reports like usual. The teachers will share assessment information via Hero and will discuss learning goals during our usual goal setting interview time in term 3. It is important that we have realistic expectations of progress this year. For some children, they will have continued to progress in some areas and others not so. The key is to adjust and move forward as best we can.

Our learning focus at school for the remainder of the term is technology and innovation. Children are being challenged to come up with new ideas and to explore their curiosity and creativity - two of our core values. This is very relevant post pandemic as businesses and industry come up with new ways of working that will continue well into the future.

Thank you to everyone who has been coming onto the site and following our hygiene protocols. We appreciate that for some signing in each day is a hassle but it is a requirement of us. If you are a parent or a listed contact we only need your name as we have all your contact details on our system. The COVID tracking QR code is only for individuals to track themselves. The national numbers remain at 0 and 1 - let's kick COVID-19 to the curb!

It is so good being back for our community!

Matua Mike