Hero photograph
The Enviro Team learning about composting and worm farming at the Bromley Eco Drop
Photo by Mike Molloy

From the Tumuaki's Table - Term 3, Week 8

Mike Molloy —

Student Led Learning is alive at KSS!

I want to take the opportunity to thank those that participated in the BoT survey to help us identify our strengths, opportunities, threats and challenges. This information is helping feed into our next strategic plan that will shape where the school is heading in the next 3 years. 

In reading the feedback I became aware that some whānau do not know all of the fantastic opportunities that are happening here at KSS and that we need to do a better job of sharing these with you. The opportunities in the ART's was an area that parents felt we might be lacking. Here are some of the things already on offer:

  • Kapa haka
  • Singing and waiata
  • In-class drama sessions
  • Itinerant lessons (guitar, ukulele, drums, singing, violin, piano)
  • KSS Got Talent (to showcase talents)
  • Visual arts (term 4)

One of my passions is having a school where the students direct their learning. Last week three senior boys came to me with a very professional proposal for a new GoPro for KSS TV. It was so good I had to find the $1000 they needed! This week I went with the Enviro Crew to learn about composting and worm farming. Such authentic and relevant learning that will come back into the school from this experience. I have a passionate group of leaders organising the very first KSS Got Talent show. This is a fun opportunity for kids to share their talents with others in either a non-competitive and competitive setting. The skills these students are learning when designing these activities are immense and will set them up for life beyond KSS.

Thanks to all those that are supporting the FoS auctions. I look forward to planning with Kora, Toby and Cohen who won Principal for the day!

Matua Mike