Hero photograph
Photo by Sarah Ritchie

Celebration Assembly Certificates

Sarah Ritchie —

Congratulations to the following students who received certificates recently. Ka Pai!


Nirvaan B


Nirvaan, you have been working so hard on your learning tasks. We are proud of how you have shown focus during mat time and you are persisting on work that challenges you. Keep stretching your brain!

Kenzie C


Kenzie, you are a reading super-star! You are making so many connections and it is lovely to hear you sharing these more in your reading group. Keep up the awesome work!

Ibrahim I


Ibrahim, we have loved having you in our learning space. You are working hard to communicate with your classmates and are settling into new tasks, like creating lego houses. Ka pai. 


Finn W


Finn, you are a kind and caring member of our whānau class. You are such a fabulous friend and always willing to help others with their learning. Ka pai Finn, keep up the awesome work!

Mila A


Mila you are new not only to Knights Stream School but to NZ too. We are so proud of the connections you have made with NZ facts, your literacy learning and the friendships you have formed. Well done Mila!


Tom M


You are an awesome director during our digital lessons and helping your whanau create videos using a green screen. You supported them to feel comfortable and offered help whenever needed. It was wonderful to see you take the lead too. Tino pai!

Ryan S


Ryan, you have been making great connections within literacy. We can see your enthusiasm for learning and how hard you are trying to use your phonetic knowledge within your reading. Ka pai e hoa!


Max S


Max, we love your enthusiasm for learning and your willingness to give things a go. It is wonderful to see you are making lots of connections in your learning and we can tell you are always trying your best. Ka pai!

Joshua C


You have been a caring friend in our class this week. We have been super proud of how you have played with people who have been feeling lonely or have no friends. Thank you Joshy, you’re the best!

Te Tupu Harakeke

Callum P


Callum has been showing his fantastic leadership skills in Te Tupu Harakeke.

Tarriq W


Tarriq has shown what an amazing learner he is during the two weeks of swimming with his KS peers.


Keillan D


Keillan we are so proud of the way you are so connected with your learning. You are turning up to school with a positive attitude, a smile and a willingness to learn! Keep bringing the courageous attitude.

Henry C


Henry, we are so proud of the way you are connecting with your learning and striving to produce quality work. We appreciate the way you are always willing to help others and share your knowledge. Ka pai!

Ranya S


Ranya, your kindness and caring make our learning space a better place. You always show great manners with such a positive attitude. We are very fortunate to have someone like you in our class. Tino pai!


Davi R


Davi, you always notice those when they are feeling left out or sad and help them. Thank you for being so caring.

Hiya P


Hiya, you have demonstrated your curiosity through all of your learning this year. We love the way you ask questions to clarify your thinking. Keep up the amazing work.

Avantika A


Avantika, you are always so connected with your learning. You are enthusiastic, focused and always aiming to complete your work to the highest standards. Ka pai!


Teddie R


Teddie, you have been so connected with your learning and culture this term. You are always finding ways to improve and seek feedback on your goals. Thank you for sharing your culture with us during Samoa language week. We can see how proud you are of your identity. Ia tumau aua le fiu!

Ian J


Ian, you are such a thoughtful and curious member of Hirau. You demonstrate these strengths in the way you ask thoughtful questions and make connections with your past experiences. We really appreciate your dedication to all aspects of school and it is so rewarding to see you continue to develop as a learner. Congratulations Ian.


Kewene V


Kewene, you have been very connected with your literacy learning this year! We are very proud of the progress you have made and enjoy the creative stories and ideas you share with us. Ka mau te wehi!

Evo T


Evo, you are a courageous learner who is always willing to try new things and learn from your mistakes. This has led to you doing some fantastic learning this term. Ka pai tō mahi!

Tyler C


Tyler you are showing connectedness with your learning by consistently completing your work on time. I am impressed by your ability to manage yourself and your time and additionally, you use your spare time to contribute to the school by working on the bike track. Fantastic work.