Hero photograph
Photo by Leigh Hurford

Book a Whānau Hui Conference through Hero

Leigh Hurford —

Use your Hero app to book an interview time for next Tuesday 14 February OR Thursday 16 February.

Kia ora whānau,

A reminder that next week we are holding our whānau hui connection conferences. This is a great opportunity to meet your child's 2023 whānau group teacher, share some aspirations, and set some goals for the first half of the year. Please see the information sheet attached (or scan the QR code) as it provides information about how to download and login to Hero, and how to book a conference slot.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, or your child's whānau group teacher.

Please note school finishes at 2.30pm on both Tuesday and Thursday.

Any children left until 2.50pm can be collected from the Whārehui. 

Ngā mihi,

Leigh Hurford

Associate Principal