Hero photograph
Photo by Mike Molloy

From the Tumuaki's Table - Term 3, Week 6

Mike Molloy —

Community Connections are well underway at Knights Stream School

The very first Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is now underway and what a fantastic group they are. We have about 20% of families willing to be involved with this group! If you have been unable to make a meeting you can join this group at anytime. Thanks to those courageous parents that have put their hand up for a committee position - great role modelling for the tamariki!

Last week the Court Theatre came and presented the O Le Malaga Fa’a’atua show. Inspired by classic myths and legends from Tonga, Samoa and Aotearoa, O Le Malaga Fa’a’Atua (The Journey of the Gods) follows demigod Māui’s quest to prove himself worthy of becoming a fully-fledged god. It was full of original music for children to learn and love, this multi-lingual production celebrated striving to be the best person you can be – god or not. The children absolutely loved the performance. Once again we have been thrilled with the number of parents and whānau that have come to share their culture with the children. We are connecting and learning about each others differences and similarities through a cultural lens.

The year seems to be flying by. The first ski trip is coming up for years 3-8 children. The uptake for the opportunity has been great.  We are already planning our term 4 events too! Camps planning for 2020 has also started! We are thrilled that we have been able to offer the children a wide range of experiences as a new school. The pump track is now open to children and the uptake has been amazing. We are now beginning to train the children how to ride this more effectively without sitting on the seat and pedalling!

Spring is almost here, the daffodils are out and the sun is appearing more often. Let's hope all the illness stays with winter and we can all be well leading into the warmer months.
