Hero photograph
Photo by John Preston

Where does the rubbish go?

John Preston —

The Green Team, Knights Stream School’s student-led environment and sustainability group, has been busy this week! They have been creating a competition for KSS kids to design posters to go up in every classroom.

These posters will go next to the rubbish bins in each classroom to help reduce the amount of rubbish that goes in the wrong bin. These posters will help our students realise which is the right bin for their rubbish, whether they are New Entrants or Year 8s! 

The winning poster will be seen all over the school, so it must be bright, colourful, and easy to understand - using pictures or diagrams could be a great way to help younger children understand where to put their rubbish, as well as making the poster look exciting and draw plenty of attention.

The poster must show the right bin for different kinds of rubbish e.g. general waste (red), recycling(yellow), and organic waste (green). It might be easier to just create a poster for one bin, and show lots of different kinds of rubbish that can be thrown into it.

So the challenge is on! These holidays The Green Team asks Knights Stream School students to design a great poster for our rubbish bins. The winning posters will be copied and used around the school, and the winners will be announced at the next celebration assembly.

Get your entries to the Green Team by Friday 21st July. You can do this by giving the poster to your whanau teacher with your name and class on the back. If you create a digital poster, you can email this to your whanau teacher.

Once all the entries have been received, The Green Team will then judge the posters on their creativity and how well they show what bin to use! The winning posters will be copied and displayed in each classroom above the rubbish bins to help us remember what rubbish goes in what bin.