Hero photograph
Photo by Craig Allchurch

Whānau Road Patrollers Needed

Craig Allchurch —

We have a fantastic group already helping us out with the Road Patrol duties, and we are seeking some more parents!

Becoming a parent road patroller is an excellent opportunity to meet new whānau/children before and after school. It's a great way to give back to the school and we really value whānau involvement in any way shape or form. 

Being a parent road patroller involves supervising the student road patrollers, helping with putting the safety gear out (flags and stop signs) and generally promoting safe travel to school on foot or wheels. 

You will be provided with some quick training and have the option of borrowing one of our very warm and cosy highlighter jackets!! 

The time commitments for the duties are as follows; 

Morning- Arrive at the tari at 8.15am, ready to meet the senior students. On patrol from 8.20am - 8.45am 

Afternoon- Arrive at the tari at 2.45pm, ready to meet the senior students. On patrol from 2.50pm - 3.00pm (approx)  

Upon arrival to the tari, either collect the key for the shed from Sue or Craig. 

The available slots we have for the rest of the year are; 

-Monday morning

-Tuesday morning

-Thursday morning

-Friday morning

-Friday afternoon 

If you are interested, please get in touch with Matua Craig. 
