Hero photograph
Photo by Mike Molloy

From the Tumuaki's Table - Term 1, Week 10

Mike Molloy —

It is hard to believe that the term of learning is almost over! I hope you had a fun Easter break and did not embellish in too many sweet treats! I am sure each year seems to get faster and faster as you get older. 

Like all KSS terms, we have packed a lot of creative and exciting learning into the term. I was impressed with the number of parents that have attended various events - clearly demonstrating that you are involved, that you care and that you are here to support the school. I do apologise that some parents could not get into the Wharehui for the dance show! It just shows how quickly we have grown in just over two years.  Will be having a junior and senior end of year celebration later in the year to ensure we have enough room for everyone to enjoy these events.

As we continue to grow we need to keep adapting our systems and process to cater for the changing needs of the school. The Board are in early discussion with the Ministry of Education about the timing of our stage 2 build - Owaka. We will be well over 300 students by the end of the year. With the increasing numbers, parents are parking across the road. Please make sure children use the Kea Crossing as we had a near miss last week. Safety is so important. 

The recent Friends of School meeting was well attended and their fundraisers and events are in full swing. We appreciate the extra funding and support this brings to the school. They recently paid for the school trip to Ōtūmatua, subsidised the dances in schools programme, purchased a new drone for KSS TV, donated $800 for senior readers and some mini outdoor soccer goals. If you are interested in joining this great team please email Hayley: fos@knightsstream.school.nz

I am looking forward to the Colour Run and hope to see many of you there to join in the fun!

Have a fantastic term break next week.

Matau Mike