Sarah Ritchie — Feb 20, 2024

Congratulations to the following students who received certificates recently. Ka Pai!


Brylee B


Brylee you have settled so well at Knights Stream School. It has been lovely seeing you connect with your learning and your whānau group. You try your best in everything you do! Ka pai!


Luke G


Luke, you have had an amazing start to the school year. You are a kind and caring member of our whānau class who is willing to help others. We look forward to watching you learn and grow this year. Ka rawe!

Jack T


Jack, you are settling in at school so well! We have noticed that you are a super listener in class and you are always working hard at your learning. Keep up the great work. We love having you in our class!

Jantira G


Jantira, what a wonderful start to the year. You have shown connection to your learning through the way you listen and the care you take in completing your work. Keep up the fabulous mahi!


Micah S


Micah, you have made a wonderful start to Year 2 and are settling in well. You take care of others and the environment, and you are always keen to help. Tino pai!

Andrew V


Andrew, you have had a fantastic start to the school year and you are settling well into Year 2. You listen carefully and we can tell you are trying your best in all that you do. Ka pai, keep it up!

Jack L


Jack, you have had an amazing start back at school this year! It is wonderful to see you courageously sharing your ideas and trying your best with your learning. Tino pai e hoa!

Te Tupu Harakeke

Callum P


Callum, you showed so much courage going to technology for your first time this week, tino pai!

George B


George, you have made such a great start to your first year at school! We love seeing how your curiosity of the world drives your learning. Tino pai!


Hamish E


Hamish, your writing is phenomenal - so much detail and interesting to read! What a great start to 2024. Tino pai!

Miguel P


Miguel, you have participated thoughtfully during our class discussions. You have shown curiosity with your learning and I love your thinking. Tino pai e hoa!

Harriet B


Harriet you have been such a brave leader and role model at the beginning of this year. Courageous helping people outside your friendship group and ensuring they know what to do. Tino pai!


Niarose B


Niarose, you have made a fantastic start to the year. You have been willing to work with others and ensure that everyone is included. Ka pai!

George C


George, you have been a role model and have set a high standard for others to follow with your enthusiasm for helping others within our whānau space. Ka pai!


Ronnie K


Ronnie, you have had such a fantastic start to the school year. You listen carefully and try your best in all that you do. We are so lucky to have you learning in Tuna with us this year. Ka pai!

Gracie G


Gracie, we love the way you have returned to school ready to learn and share your ideas with others. You always work cooperatively with other children and try your best in all you do. Amazing!


Avantika A


Avantika, you have been so caring and helpful to others in the first few days of the school year. We love how thoughtful you are and your willingness to do anything that is needed. Tu meke!

Paige C


Paige, you have had a fabulous start to the school year. We have noticed how inclusive and kind you are towards others and how willing you are to help with jobs around the class. You are a true asset to Hīrau. Ka pai e hoa!


Xander L-C


Xander, you have shown that you are a caring friend in our class and are quick to offer help to our class mates. It is great to have you in Mōkihi and I am excited for 2024!

Alex J-P


Alex, you have had a fantastic start to the 2024 school year. Thank you for offering to organise our chess sets and for showing Whaea Ruby how to use the library system. It is wonderful to have you in Mōkihi class. Keep up the mahi!


Tegan L


Tegan, you have started out positively and strongly at KSS this year! It is amazing to see the connections you are forming with your peers, as well as getting involved in KSS TV. Keep up the hard mahi!

Hana H


Hana, you have made a fantastic start to the year. I am really impressed with the way you are getting on with your learning (and I also like the muffins you have been making us!). Keep up the great work.